Orange County NC Website
2 <br />~ .~ <br />Bold Text =Proposed Language <br />An Ordinance Amending the Subdivision Regulations of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Orange, North Carolina, <br />that the Subdivision Regulations are hereby amended as follows: <br />(page 27) Amend Section IV-B-3 (Streets) by adding a new element, IV-B-3-a-1, to <br />subsection IV-B-3-a of the Orange County, NC, Subdivision Regulations to <br />read as follows: <br />IV-B-3. STREETS <br />*IV-B-3-a. <br />Amended <br />4/4/88 <br />~ tlts/ot The provision of street rights-of-way shall conform to and meet the <br />requirements of such adopted Comprehensive Plan for Orange County as <br />may be recommended by the Planning Board and adopted by the Orange <br />County Board of County Commissioners, from its date of adoption, <br />including, where appropriate, reservation for or dedication of street rights- <br />of-way for future transportation facilities proposed in the Comprehensive <br />Plan. A subdivider shall not be required to provide or dedicate <br />right-of-way for a proposed street to which access would be prohibited by <br />any governmental agency. <br />IV-B-3-a-1. Subdivision of land abutting a roadway for which the Orange County <br />Board of County Commissioners has approved recommendations <br />from a plan or corridor study is subject to provisions of the approved <br />corridor plan or study. The subdivider, in such cases, shall provide <br />any improvements or other means to ensure construction <br />recommended in such plan or corridor study, such as facilities for <br />bicycles, sidewalks, and public transportation. The subdivider, in <br />cases where the recommendations address access management, <br />shall use design elements recommended in the plan or corridor <br />study to reduce conflict points. <br />In addition, policies prescribed in Phase V of the Access <br />Management Awareness Project and Report, or other adopted <br />studies or strategies, shall be considered during subdivision and site <br />plan review to assess access management and other corridor design <br />considerations. <br />G]Compmhensiva Planning DMGFNC12Ga3 Publ'm HexingsNiov?A\S~reels (Access Mgq'~STRf_GTSIW~A~3 amentlmenl doc <br />