Orange County NC Website
oluFT <br />`Tool Box" for Provltling Services m <br />Limped English Proficiency (LEP) Clients <br />The cemponents listetl below are offeretl as auggesletl tools that tleparMents may use tc <br />acmmmotla[e the neetls of non-English or limited-English speaking clienk. Approaches may <br />vary tlepentling upon specific departmental needs. <br />1) County Employees <br />Interpreter services may be provitletl through Ccunty employees es folbwa' <br />a) Employee whose primary tluty la to provide interyreter services. <br />Implemente[lon timetable contingent upon funding oT position(s). <br />i) TMs employee may be hired by a single depadment or sharetl among departments <br />who neetl interyreter services for a major poNOn of the working tlay on a tlaily basis. <br />This type of emargement would be recommentled primarily for deperMente who are <br />cetegorized. in the Policy as a provitler of "critical services' antl by the Infonna0on <br />mmpiletl in the departmental surveys, indlcetetl a high need for interyreter services. <br />Departments seeking to add ataH for this function would be subject to the new <br />employee approval cemetl out as part of the annual butlge[ process. <br />b) LimAed interyreter s e providetl by employees on a rotatlonal basis. <br />Implementa8on achievable within fiscal year 2001-2002. <br />i) Departments with bi-lingual employees, who have demonstrated Huency, may <br />padicipets in en interpreter pact. <br />ii) Employees may be sMetluletl tluring certain hour; of iha vreek to receive calls from <br />any COUnty department needing interyreter assistance. This would be particularly <br />advantageous to departmeMS with Infrequent interyreter needs. <br />iii) Call lists coultl be available on the Intranet so a Department neetling imeryreter <br />service could easily access help while the caller was on the line. (Achievable within <br />80 days) <br />iv) In oNer to experience the least amount of tliamptlon in their regular jab tluties, <br />employees assignetl to cRces (as opposed to Oeld personnel) would be most <br />effective in this capacity. <br />2) Indepentlent contractors. <br />a) Interpreters would be expaIXetl [o exewte a contract with the County prior to being used <br />for interpreter services. (Current practice) <br />b) Interpretere must prove wmpetency to the Counlys eatishcdon prior to being included <br />on the list of available service provitlere. (Current precOCe) <br />c) A list of inferyretere who may be willing/able b provide interpreter services is centrally <br />maintainetl. (Currently maintained within Deparments. Centrally maintainOtl <br />information achievable by end of February 2005) <br />d) Departments neetling Interpreter services may consult the Ilst and schedule the <br />interpreter as neetlstl. <br />