Orange County NC Website
taigeUservice population antl fonvartl themto the Departmeniof Human Rights and <br />Relajibns (HRR) to compile antl foiwaN to (ha County Manageq <br />4. SYaXT2ining. All employees expected to implement the language assistance Initiatives set <br />out in this Plan shoultl be knowledgeable about (1) the nature and snipe of language <br />assistance services and resources available through their department, antl (2)[he procetlurea <br />through which they may access those sarvicea to assist in the tlischalge of their respective <br />tluties. Each department subject to this Plan will develop a plan antl a timetable for the <br />implementation of folkrvrin9 actions with respect to staff training: <br />1. Employees whose routine duties inclutle in[emctlons wdh the public will be <br />provided wiN written information on the scope antl nature of available or planned <br />language assistance services antl the specific procetlurea through Wnich such <br />services wn be accessetl a[ the employee's work location. <br />2. Each department (or, as appropriate, sub-and) will develop antl inwryorete into <br />new employee orientation antllor [raining Programs a module on the nature end <br />ecopa of language assistance services antl the specific procetlurea through which <br />each employee can access those services. <br />5. Outreach. LEP intlividuals in need of language assiatence services should have <br />reasonable notice of the availability of such seMces. Each tlepartment with significant <br />LEPmntecte shoultl untlertake appropriate written and Orel oufreech efPorls tlesigne0 to <br />alert LEP mmmundles and intlivitluals as to the nature, amps, antl availability of the <br />language assistance services set cut in Nis Plan. In the area of oufreech, each <br />wmponent sublet ro this Plan will take the following actions: <br />• Where documents are available in languages other then English. the English verson will <br />inGUtle a notice of such availability translated into every language in which the dowment <br />is available. <br />• Where tlowmen[s era available for viewing or downlwding lhroughe component web <br />page in languages Omer than English, a tag indicating such avallablltty In each of the <br />languages will be inclutletl on each web pegs- <br />. To the maximum extent possible, departmenLS will s4ive to inform stakeholtler <br />oigenize4ons regaMinq the nature antl snipe of available language assistance services <br />through appropriate oral antl written means. <br />6. Monilodng. Language assistance plans shoultl be petlodically reassessed tp ensure that the <br />snipe end nature of language esaistance services provitletl under the plan refleG uptlatetl <br />information on relevant LEP populations, [heir language assistance needs, and the <br />Departments ezpedence antler Ne plan. Over the neM Twelve months, each Department <br />subject to this Plan will take the following ecuons to monitorthe efieIXiveness of its language <br />assistance initiatives antl assess [M1e possible need for enhancemenm or modigratlons to those <br />Initiatives: <br />1. By the antl of the third quarterof the fiscal year, each Depadment will atlvise HRR on the <br />approaches [o be used to assess Department acivties antler this Plan. <br />2. By the antl of the fiscal year, eacM1 Depadment will eubmR tc HRR the results of Its <br />assessment of its activities under this Pleq together with any proposed motlidcetione to <br />this Plan. Each subsequent year, the Depadment will report the results of its <br />