Orange County NC Website
Wrriten Msfetlela: Each Department -shall ensure Ne Vanslatloroof 'Wital' wdlfen <br />materials into the language of reguledY encdun[eretl LEP groupseligible lb tie served or <br />to be affeUed by the-Deperbnenl's programs, 'Ykal'rlncldtles but Is noPlimRad to: <br />wrMen noticesof rights, tlenial, lose, or decreases in benafiLS. antl'servtcesi notlces of <br />tlleclplinery. action, consent-and- compldlnffomis; Intake formes application .for <br />partlclpahon in-tleDaMtenf program or activity• and notices advising LEP pereone-qf <br />free language assistance; <br />The term Ydal° tlepentls upon the importance oPtlie program, service mkrma[idn or <br />encounter ibwtvetl Large tlocumenfs may have-0oth vksl and ndn-yRai InfoPnatj6n. <br />Wntterttrenelation. of only vitel'infotihahon rS reouiretll'An appmPHate:'Me of [humti' in <br />da[armrmng vda4lpformatioh Irtatlotglmanl Wat requires bapslaiio~ is; <br />o A Department should provide wntlea hanalation of vlNl doguments [pr each <br />eligible LEP language grodpthat wrtstdules56'or 1,000, Whlchevar Is less,'of <br />[he~pemo¢e elrglble b ~ba-6erVed fit bkely'N be aReUad`pr enmumered. <br />Translation of other documents-,can be pmwded ofegyi <br />o if therH ere fewer Nan 6p:~pelsons„In 2 labguaga group [fief reaches tM1e:5% <br />tAgger, ek¢en tlepartine0ts do not ,1lavB ld trenslate,Yltal mete8als but afioultl <br />ptowde vinHen nptlce In Ne pnmary (anpuageoi Ne LEP (dngUage gmuR of 1lielr <br />fight fo receive comPeteOfol~l trehslabon oYShe wntten -. tedel's, free of cost. <br />{?lea~a ogle Th~applle~dny tdrche wnNen treneleyEg of mformabgry li6viNl tlawmgnN. <br />• Elecbonic Information. Unleae elreetly in place,each Deparment tha[mainfaineaweb <br />page accessible tc members of the general pudic shoultl include infcrmation on the <br />avallablllry of language eeaistence through or by Ne Department. Where dowmenls in <br />languages other than English are plecetl on or accessible through the web page, <br />information an their availability shoultl be Indutletl in [he eppropdate languages on the <br />web home page or other inRiel point of access. <br />• Slgrrage. Where sgnagawithin a publicly-accessible bulltling maintained or <br />atlministered by a Department Is pmvitletl in English, it will also be provltleQ at e <br />minimum and ae soon es reasonably prectlcal, in the Mro most common non- <br />Engllsh languages spoken in the County where, basetl on available date, more <br />than 25 % of the people within Nat language group speak English less than well.° <br />8ignage in fewer languages is warrented where cumen[ tlemographic tlata <br />establishes that the population potenl'lally servetl by [he Department or taUlily <br />tloes no[ include more than ane language mincdty group Shat satlsfles the 26% <br />Uantlartl. Each Department will tlevelop ealgnege implementation tlmefable <br />IndutlinA, where approPdale, reasonable tleleys neceasitetetl by the lack of <br />current tlata on LEP populations. (8ignage in erkical service arcsa a.9. 088, <br />Health, Register of Deeds, are on-geing pbrsuant to June 5, 2001 Board <br />direetlon.) <br />3. DepartmentSpedgc LenguaAe Assistance Indiafivea. In atltlltlon to Na undone <br />language Initiatives appllwble to the tlepartment engaging In progams and activities <br />warranting language assistance measures, departments will implement edtlitional <br />language assistance meaeuras warranted by Nelr particular programs, aUivities, entl/or <br />° "AValleOle tlera" indutlea but is not limiletl to language entl tlemoprapM1ic census infmmatlon petlaining to Orange <br />County. <br />