Agenda - 12-03-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-03-2001
Agenda - 12-03-2001-9d
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DRAFT <br />Orange County Govemmenl <br />Limitetl English Proficienry (LEP) Policy <br />Orange County Is committed to improving the accessibility of services to persons with <br />Ilmi[etl English proficiency (LEP) and tc developing antl Implementing a system NM <br />gives LEP persons "meaningful access" to Orenge County progrema end services. <br />Purpose <br />To eliminate or retluce to the maximum extent possible limited English proficiency as a bertier <br />or Impediment to accessing core service in Orange County GovemmeM. <br />Background <br />Theis has been a.tllarhatic antl rbpid influx of new immigrenl9 Info Orangs'COUnty who nave <br />Limited English Pryfiiiency (LEP)..For these new community members-language cah be;e <br />bemsr to auessingsemces or benefb,. untlerstantlingantl exemlaing their rights,. antl Mh¢r <br />infortnatwn aM khat may leave them vulne(able. Redbgnaing dlla, Orenge COUnty;M1as <br />tlesignefed el Mlnagng battlers dntl acpess fo progreme afitl semces W theLEP community es <br />en Impo[lapt goal. <br />AddRwnalty, on August-i6 2000 the PiealtleM elgnetl Executive ONeH34fi6, mentleting that <br />all fetlerel:agenaes;i:hsure that lhay.and then reglplpnla of federel aldlrpfgve access to <br />serviceato the LEP pgpulallon The attached policy was.Grafled to suppoldhe goal endbe in <br />dumpltance wkh lde Executive ONer and ds policy lmplEmentahon gwtlencs. The. (iolicy as well <br />as the Executive flMeiprovltles no newnghtstir benetikbut derlfyszfatirigTRle VI' <br />fespdnalbllltiea emtl,eelkdh the steps mecessery to ensdR "meamngfgi BiEess; to sernceeary <br />the LEP'pammgpity; <br />In itlenlityinq the language esaialance initiatives needed Nat ere consistent with the untletlying <br />goal of this policy, B is reasonable to focus on those Departments within Orange County <br />govemmant that have the greatest potendel for inlerec[lon with the LEP population, that Involve <br />vital exchange of Information effecting provisions M service, antl that grant a benefit or <br />imposition of a buNen on the LEP populatbn. Orange County goveminent services can be <br />grouped inb fve categories based generelly on the nature, puryose, and conaequencea Mlheir <br />interaction with the general public end/or LEP populations. <br />(A) Departments whose primary mission is to serve the internal management end <br />administrative needs of County govemmant The iMarection of these Departments with <br />the LEP poWlation ie lnfrequen[and secontlary to servicesthat they perform. <br />(B) Departments whose mission is to service the policy needs MCounty Govemmenl. <br />These Departments either are not depentlant on their interaction wish the public or <br />historical data suggest that they have no sgniflcant involvement whh [he LEP population. <br />' Tr11e Vl of IM1a Civil RgM1b M of 19fi4 proM1ibils recipients Mfetlerel financial s¢¢islaze ham tllscrMlnaling against <br />r olM1ernise exclutling intlrvidwls on IM1e basis plrecs, rotor, or national orgin in any of IM1eir aclmlies aedion E01 <br />or Title VI, 42 LLS.C. § 3oWtl. <br />
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