Orange County NC Website
Ordinance to Public Heazing <br />November 24, 2003 <br />An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Baard of Commissioners of the County of Orange, North <br />Carolina, that the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: <br />Bold =New Language <br />Striketl3reugl~ =Deleted Language <br />Section 1: Amend Section 6.18 as follows: <br />6.18 Telecommunications Towers and Equipment <br />Amended <br />12110/02 <br />The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Section, shall <br />have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the <br />context clearly indicates a different meaning: <br />Accessory tJse - A use incidental to, subordinate to, and subservient to <br />the principal use of the property, As defined in this section an accessory <br />use is a secondary use. <br />Antenna - A transmitting and/or receiving device used for wireless <br />services that radiates or captures electromagnetic waves, including <br />directional antennas, such as panel and microwave dish antennas, and <br />Omni-directienal antennas, such as whips, excluding radar antennas, <br />amateur radio antennas and satellite earth stations, <br />Building Code -The most recently adopted or amended edition of the <br />North Carolina State Building Code. <br />Co-location - t_ocating telecommunication equipment for more than one <br />provider on one qualified shared facility at one site, <br />Commercial Impracticability or Commercially Impracticable -The inability <br />to perform an act on terms that are reasonable in commerce; the cause or <br />occurrence of which could not have been reasonably anticipated or <br />foreseen and that jeopardizes the financial efficacy of the project, <br />The inability to achieve a particular financial return on investment or profit, <br />standing alone, shall nat deem a si4uation to be commercially <br />impracticable, <br />EIA-222 -Electronics Industries Association Standard 222 (Structural <br />Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Support Structures), <br />Existing Structure/Building -Far purposes of this Section, any building or <br />structure that is currently existing on a parcel of land, Such structures <br />1~~~ <br />~. <br />G/curplannin@/RoberUtclcotowersroundtwo/telcomm towers amendments Sec 6 sec 8 <br />