Orange County NC Website
• Parks are essential infrastructure. They offer access to programs and services, provide gathering spaces, <br /> exposure to nature, physical activity, and safe social distancing during the pandemic which provided healthy <br /> resilience. <br /> • People have placed an increased value on outdoor recreation. Outdoor programming is as popular as ever <br /> and use of local parks has increased. <br /> • Virtual platforms have presented new opportunities to increase engagement, hold meetings, and <br /> supplement traditional programming moving forward. Also an opportunity to reach new audiences is not limited <br /> by geography. We have seen participation from all over the country, as well as from outside of the US <br /> (England, Australia, Brazil, etc.) with some of our online events such as the Carrboro Music Festival, Carrboro <br /> Film Festival, and the Freight Train Blues Concert Series. <br /> • Park and recreation agencies have continued to deliver vital services and programs to the community <br /> throughout the pandemic. <br /> • Messaging via online postings, signage, flyers, other newsflashes, alerts, other means become vital to <br /> educate the public and share opportunities. <br /> • Technology allowed us a smoother transition to remote work. <br /> • Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx meetings seem to replace conference calls and in-person meetings. <br /> Zoom Meetings have been an extremely effective and efficient means of communicating with staff and other <br /> colleagues. They eliminate travel time, and tend to focus attention on important agenda items. <br /> • Electronic signatures for many documents expedited faster, easier workflows. <br /> • An opportunity to cross-train staff to better support our Front Office operation where most incoming inquiries <br /> regarding the department programs and facilities are handled. <br /> • Staff has demonstrated remarkable dedication during these uncertain times, and adapted well to the <br /> changing work environment. We also learned that our agency can adapt quickly and effectively to the new <br /> reality. <br /> • Once approval was given to limited programming, some small tweaks was all that was needed for some <br /> events, for example, we held the outdoor Kite Fly event, utilizing three fields instead of one. Some Summer <br /> Camps were held successfully last summer outdoors using smaller groups, social distancing measures, etc. <br /> without major changes to program content. <br /> • While we have adapted many programs to a virtual or socially distanced environment, there is no true <br /> replacement for in-person engaging events. Example: Many of our seniors, fitness class participants, etc. are <br /> eager to return to in-person programming and be with their peers. <br /> • Susan (Carrboro) - Anita, Wendell and Charles have been a savings grace for the community. They have <br /> risen up to provide the recreational opportunities both thru outdoor space and virtual platforms at a time when <br /> there has been so much anxiety because of the pandemic. <br /> • Stephanie (Hillsborough)—So much of what Anita and Phil said hold true for Hillsborough. The town works <br /> on an accelerated budget then COVID hit and she lost everything. There are so many delays and so much <br /> need. While trying to serve the public from home what became clear was the outdoor spaces in Orange County <br /> are vital to mental health. Eno River Confluence property Brumley; Sevenemile Creek provide such important <br /> places to go. And this group continues to celebrate that. When their budget got slashed the years became a <br /> year of planning and responding. As a result they initiated a new Strategic Plan for the town board. The <br /> identified on community connectivity; racial equity; public safety and sustainability main objectives. At the same <br /> time working on the COVID recovery plan and the Racial Equity Plan. She suggested Anita could report to the <br /> group on this important work at a future meeting. The town is also working on a new comprehensive <br /> sustainability plan. Parks and outdoor and public spaces community and equity and connectivity are embedded <br /> in all of these plans it is important in all of these plans. There has been so much work to protect these spaces <br /> we need to continue that effort. All this is difficult to do virtually so not to miss groups. As we move forward to try <br /> to do planning better and involve more people. We have learned that whatever is going on socially plays itself <br /> out in our parks. To figure out how to open spaces without having a police ability. She highly praised the Orange <br /> County Health Department. And wants to encourage recognition for them. She said could not have done it with <br /> them. She is also hoping there will be some stimulus funding to help support projects. She appreciates her <br /> colleges. <br /> • Dave—Said he would like to echo so many of the things that have already been said. But particularly the <br /> praises for the Orange County Health Department they have worked tirelessly and always have been there for <br /> us. To him the last 14 months have been in three stages. <br /> The first stage or the beginning of the initial lockdown was how to close things? to get supplies like <br /> PPE. Sometimes even though a park maybe closed it could be in a neighborhood where it's impossible to <br />