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• Kim Livingston— ENO River Association; Director of Conservation and Stewardship. They have a nature <br /> preserve north of Hillsborough and a partnership with ENO River State Park. Just interested hear how <br /> everyone is addressing the increased park use. <br /> • Robb English— Hillsborough Board of Commissioners. Robb has been with IPWG for many years in <br /> several different capacities and now as a representative from the town of Hillsborough board. He's <br /> interested in joint use and forming partnerships with everyone but mostly with municipalities and the <br /> county. <br /> • Mayor Pam Hemminger— Representing the Chapel Hill Town Council. She was part of the IPWG from <br /> the beginning. Pam mentioned the Parks locator map and resolution passed for collaborations between <br /> the schools. She said the community doesn't see us as separate entities; that's why collaborations are <br /> so important. Would like to change the meeting time and or date. She is proud of staff working together <br /> during the pandemic. Excited about the other opportunities for folks that are out there. <br /> • Susan Romaine- Carrboro Board Town Council. She was elected in Nov 2019. Tonight is her first <br /> meeting with IPWG. During COVID she was a regular at Hank Anderson Park and is interested in <br /> accessibility to all community members. <br /> • Renuka Soll—Chair of the Chapel Hill Parks & Recreation Commission. She is excited to hear what <br /> other towns are doing and possibly doing things jointly. <br /> • Cecily Kritz—Orange County Recreation & Parks Advisory Council. Her main goals are to expand <br /> access to parks, greenways and trails. She pointed out that we are all now faced with budget issues <br /> coupled with high facility use and that we need creative solutions to solve this; which almost always <br /> involves collaboration. <br /> • Amy Fowler- She is the other new Orange County BOCC member. She is also a pediatrician and <br /> runner. Stressed the importance of recreation to physical and mental health. <br /> • Deon Temne -Chapel Hill /Carrboro City Schools. He is looking forward to working with everyone. <br /> Dave next asked staff to do the same <br /> • Anita Jones-McNair- Director of Carrboro Recreation and Parks and Cultural Resources and is also the <br /> Race and Equity Officer for the town. <br /> • Stephanie Trueblood— Public Space Manager for the town of Hillsborough. She noted that Parks and <br /> Rec is a critical component of public space. She doesn't think staff typically gets to choose what is <br /> reported to us. That staff is here to serve. Stewardship and sustainability are what continues to be <br /> exciting and that there is lots of possibilities for partnerships across jurisdictions. And she'd like to see <br /> expanded opportunities for connectivity. <br /> • Phil Fleischmann— Director of Chapel Hill Parks & Recreation. Likes the ability to share in the ideas of <br /> collaborations and this group is a great venture to share ideas to get on the same page for <br /> collaborations this group also presents a great venue for alignment for staff leader's elected leaders and <br /> board's leaders to get on the same page for interest for planning purposes. <br /> • Aaron Davis— Director of Mebane Parks and Recreation (serves as both Mebane City Council member <br /> slot and Staff Support). This was his second meeting after 2 years in Mebane. Excited to partner with <br /> everyone and has news to share about Lake Michael latter;which many people don't realize it is partly <br /> in Orange County. <br /> • Wendell Rodgers - Facilities Administer for the Town Carrboro Recreation and Parks. He oversee their <br /> parks system and Century Center. He is always interested in hearing what his other colleagues are <br /> doing. He and Anita are both long time members. <br /> • Marabeth Carr—Orange County Landscape Architect in charge of developing parks for Orange County. <br /> She has been on the committee since 2004 so she considers herself one the old timers of the <br />