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important to encourage participation,but would recommend a focus on <br /> more direct impact in this initial phase. Data analysis might be done <br /> directly by NCSEA in order to redirect funding towards energy efficiency <br /> work or reduce overall project costs. <br /> The CFE felt that it is good to have a visible commitment to the <br /> environment such as rooftop solar and a green roof on a new public <br /> building. Some CFE members felt that new public buildings like these <br /> should have these sustainability features as standard elements and not <br /> grant-funded additions. <br /> Applicants' proposal outlines a project that appears clear and obtainable. <br /> 203 Project This project could showcase environmental technology and promote <br /> Solar PV Town of renewable energy for a large segment of residents. <br /> Array and Carrboro <br /> Green Roof If insufficient funds remain to fully fund this project based on its rank,the <br /> CFE would recommend partial funding with the remainder of the funds <br /> available($57,567.50 as calculated by the CFE). <br /> Based on the stated timeline that the project is not going to break ground <br /> until 2022,the CFE encourages the applicant to apply for the rest of the <br /> funding in the next round of grants. <br /> By assisting with diverting food waste from the landfill waste stream,this <br /> composting project reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Compost monitors <br /> increase the use of the compost drop off location and also help reduce the <br /> amount of non-compostable waste that enters the compost stream. This <br /> quality control helps keep the composting process profitable. The grant <br /> funding will help ensure that an established program with positive <br /> impacts can continue, and the applicant has sufficient capacity to <br /> successfully complete the project. <br /> Food Waste Town of It was not clear to the CFE that the existence of compost monitors would <br /> Monitor Carrboro increase use of the farmer's market overall as the applicant stated,but the <br /> presence of compost monitors would very likely be good for waste <br /> reduction education and the promotion of composting. There was also <br /> some concern about this program becoming dependent on continued grant <br /> funds in the future. <br /> In the end,because the cost request was small and the impacts immediate, <br /> there was consensus among CFE reviewers to recommend funding this <br /> project. <br /> Chapel The CFE recommends not funding this application. While electric <br /> Energizing Hill- vehicles should be added to the CHCCS fleet,the administrative vehicles <br /> Page 4 of 6 <br />