Orange County NC Website
B <br />OWASA`s Long-Term Interest Area is hereinafter referred to as <br />OWASA's "interest area." <br />Orange County Loug-Term luterest Aree: The areas of Orange <br />County planning jurisdiction(az shown on the Water and Sewer <br />Service Boundary ivIap, which is Appendix A)not part ofa Prnnary <br />Service Area or another Aroa within wNch public <br />water and/or sewersecvice is not anticipated to be made, but tf such <br />sernces are ro be provided, Orange.County wi](be reeyodsible for <br />coordinating the provision oCutility service. Long-Tenn Interest <br />Areas are not service areas, and do not include areas oulsitle of <br />Orange Counry. Orange County's Long-Term Interest Area is <br />hereinafter referred to as Orange County's "interest area." <br />ESxenlial Public FaNity: Apublicly-owned fnrility, or a farility <br />wfiolly finm¢ed by Federal; State m local government (or a <br />combination thereof) that provides a service fm the health, safety and <br />general welfare ofComry residerds (for exevrplet a school, fve <br />station, public safety substedon or solid waste convenience center). <br />Adverse Public Ilralth Condition: Ao Adverse Pu61ic Health <br />Condition mdsu in the'cau of a wastewater system(s) when it is p ) <br />failing, (2) documented to be fatting by the Orange County Health <br />Deparlmrnt, and (3) no on•sim rnpair is epprovable or mcorrurrcmded <br />by the Orange County Health Depaiimrnr, oq in the case of a well <br />water supply system, it meets alt of the following criteria: <br />• the well water supply system ie contaminated wifi <br />' amicrobial, chemical or other agent which is <br />' /mown to cause disease or other serious health <br />effects; <br />• the well water supply system is not reparable to the <br />point where the conmminatim can be eliminated; <br />• the water from the well water supply system is not' <br />'treatable Prior m withdrawal to the Point where the <br />tlveal of disease or serious health effects is <br />eliminated; <br />• fiere is no aliemale location on-site for a new well <br />watu'supply system whicfi can be pemdtteA under <br />ti-__.n......«.vMta ne.,.:,....m..~,uarnrv <br />