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Chapel Hill requestetl that <br />The map be revised to inclutle the urban services boundary illustretetl on the Lantl Use Plan <br />atlopted by the Town Council on May S, 2000. <br />Chapel Hill's amentlment tc the agreement was a resat[ of a lantl use boundary map change that <br />included the Urban Services Boundary retraction on their atlopted Mey 2666 comprehensive plan. <br />There are other Implications of the urban service line change since land use tlensities that now lie <br />outside the line will not be supportetl by infiastmc[ure. However, atthla tlme antl pertaining to this <br />agreement the Urban Services Boundary change is reasonable. <br />SUMMARY COMMENT <br />Two aspects of the process tp atlopl and Implement the agreement should be noted. Adopting a <br />multi-party agreement is a challenging prospect no[ only from the consensus Wilding creatlon <br />stage but tluring the final IndNitlusl entity adoption phase. Any change that is suggested by one <br />entry neetla to be retlistributetl and reatlopted by Ne other entities in around robin' process. All <br />final comments ate [hereby incorporated antl a wnei6[eM agreement antl map is atlolrtetl by all <br />parties <br />A second aspect Inclutles how the multi-party agreement becomes a lantl use planning and <br />regulatory document Aproposal hoe bean posetl that would suggestthet the agreemen[be <br />incorporated trim the joint planning agreement wdh Chapel Hill antl Carrborc. This could be <br />brought (onvartl in the April 2662 regulatly schetluled JPA Public Hearing. Otherjuristlictione that <br />are party tc the agreement, such as Hillsborough, but are not par[ of the Chapel HiIIIWrtWro/ <br />Orarge Cpunry JPA would need b be implemented through lend use cooperation In another <br />manner. AlNOdgh not pally to the agreement at [his time, the cities of Mebane antl Durham who <br />provitle utilities In Orenge County may similatly be involvetl in woNinated land use planning. <br />In any evert, both concluding aspects of the agreement will Inevdably lead b progressive and <br />comprehensive Wblic service antl lantl use planning. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Administredon rewmmentls Mat the BOaM etlopS the Water and <br />Sewer Management. Planning and Bountlary Agreement wdh the modifications notetl above. <br />