Agenda - 12-03-2001-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-03-2001
Agenda - 12-03-2001-9b
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ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY LIST <br />FOR CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING IN <br />THE 2004 — 2010 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />Orange County would like to give priority b identified safety needs on existing <br />roads and bridges and b other transportation projects which foster alternatives to <br />automobile travel. The County also andorees environmentally responsible <br />constmction of all transportation projects. Finally, the County supports adequate <br />maintenance for existing transportation facilities. <br />Our transportation needs list is divided into two sections. The first section deals <br />with selectetl projects within the Durham-Chapel Hill-Cambom metropolitan <br />planning area. The second section deals with pmjects In the remaining portions <br />of Orange County which lie outside of the DurhamChapel Hill- Carrbom <br />metropolitan planning area. <br />ORANGE COUNT' PROJECTS WITHIN <br />THE DURHAM- CHAPEL HILL- OARRBORO <br />METROPOLITAN PLANNING AREA <br />As a member of the Durham-Chapel Hill- Cantioro Metropolitan Planning <br />Organaetion, Orange County will continue to work with the Transportation <br />Advisory Committee (DCHC TAG) to develop a complete list of project priorities <br />for the portion of Orange County that lies inside the urbani area boundary. <br />However, there are selected projects in Orange County which we would like to <br />address now because they have been the subjects of discussions between the <br />TAC and the Department of Transportation or because there am other special <br />concerns. <br />REQUESTED PROJECTS <br />1) U-8608 Elizalfifilb Brady Road Fshqnslon Construct a m ity, with bicycle <br />and pedestrian amenities, connecting US 70 Business and US 70 Bypass <br />on an alignment that has least impact on the Eno River, the natural <br />environment and cultural saes. This project creates a parallel mule to the <br />highly congested Churton Street corridor (NC 86 & US 70 Business). This <br />route will be used to m mute heavy truck and through traffic out of the <br />downtowNhiffioric district. <br />An Economic Development District (EDD) Transportation Wodyroup <br />made up of Orange County and Town of Hillsborough elected officials, <br />planning staff, developers and community groups was established to <br />address transportation issues regarding the Hillsborough area EDD. That <br />gmup's recommendations and comments regarding this project are also <br />attached for consideration in planning and design of this project. <br />
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