Orange County NC Website
11 <br />connection between NC 57, NC 86 north of Hillsborough and US 70 west <br />of Hillsborough to create an connate for traffic seeking 1 >011 -85 from the <br />north of Hillsborough. By providing a direct connection to the interstate <br />corridor without using NC 66 through Hillsborough, the project will help <br />alleviate traffic congestion on Churton Street through the historic <br />downtown area. A portion of Stroud's Creek Lane accessing NC 57 has <br />been constricted with private funds. A 0. &mile (approx.) segment Is <br />needed to complete the connection between NC 57 and NC 86. <br />OTHER REQUESTS <br />1) U-3808. Eli ro the Economic <br />Development D'atf,(EDD1 Transportation W k <br />NCDOT should continue its study of seven options to reduce traffic <br />congestion and improve the Level of Service in Hillsborough's control <br />business district and to improve safety along Churton Street and NC 86. The <br />workgroup prioritized the seven options In order of preference: <br />1. Elizabeth Brady alignment 3, which does not cross the river, goes across <br />ridge (IF this is the least impact to the fiver) <br />2. Elizabeth Brady alignment 2 (averts racetrack, crosses river) <br />3. (original) Elizabeth Brady alignment 1 <br />4. Lawrence Road wath 86 connector) — but different function from above <br />5. Western bypass <br />G. No build <br />7. Widen Church St. from 70 business to 70 bypass <br />Elizabeth Brady Road E#ension should be treated as a local road. not a <br />bypass. The location of Elizabeth Brady Road is not adequate for a bypass. <br />NCDOT should extend Me study area for a bypass to include the Hillsborough <br />5D-Year Water and Sewer Boundary. One option for a bypass would fallow <br />the study area boundary for project U -3808, using existing made where <br />Possible and with an interchange on Id5 east of Lawrence Road. Also, <br />please refer to the attached EDD Transportation Workgroup <br />recommendations and comments. <br />2) Section A. widening of 140 to six Ian <br />NC 147 (Buck Dean Freeway) 'n QuElbarn C — Orange County requests <br />that Id306 Section A and 1 -3306 Section B be divided into two separate <br />projects and programmed separately in the Tl P. <br />Project planning and design for this facility Is in progress. Orange County <br />requests that the development of the Major Investment Study and <br />Environmenfal Impact Statement for this project include assurance that the <br />project will not have detrimental land use impacts to the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan. Orange County is opposed to any widening of 140 <br />