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2 <br /> transportation facilities. It is very unlikely that one of the Alternatives in its entirety would be <br /> advanced as the Preferred Option. Most likely, the final MTP will be a combination of the various <br /> Alternatives. <br /> Attachment 3 provides the full schedule of MTP Local Input meetings on the Alternatives <br /> Analysis. Press releases and public engagement events have been posted on the County's <br /> website throughout the planning process. More information on the 2050 MTP can be found on <br /> DCHC MPO 2050 MTP website. <br /> MPO Next Steps <br /> Over the next few months, the DCHC MPO Board will use comments collected from the public <br /> and local governments to direct the development of a Preferred Option. The Preferred Option <br /> becomes the Draft 2050 MTP, which is anticipated to be released in October 2021. The Final <br /> 2050 MTP is tentatively scheduled to be adopted by the MPO Board in December 2021. <br /> Staff Involvement <br /> Orange County Transportation Planning staff attends bi-weekly meetings at Triangle J Council <br /> of Government (TJCOG) where TJCOG, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Institute of <br /> Transportation Research and Education (UNC ITRE), the Federal Highway Administration <br /> (FHWA), the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), the Capital Area <br /> Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), DCHC MPO, and local technical staff discuss <br /> every aspect and detail of the Community Viz model and the Triangle Regional Model (TRM). <br /> Both programs analyze the transportation network in a comprehensive and multimodal manner. <br /> The TRM is vetted by multiple agencies including UNC's ITRE (ITRE), TJCOG, CAMPO, and <br /> DCHC MPO technical staff. Throughout the planning process, Orange and Durham County staffs <br /> worked with local jurisdictions and regional agencies in multi-step data review including: <br /> • Community Viz — Current and Future Land Use parcels, including Certificate of Occupancy <br /> • Network Analysis — Road network data review, including lane and shoulder width <br /> • Employment Analysis — Point data for all places of employment <br /> Attachment 4 is a list of Orange County (including municipal) major highway projects in the <br /> Alternatives Analysis. Any specific comments on the list are welcome at this time and may assist <br /> with the selection of highway projects to be included in the Preferred Option (Draft 2050 Plan). <br /> Transit, bicycle and pedestrian project lists are not yet available from the MPO. However, it is <br /> expected that the Orange County transit projects will be initially taken from the Orange County <br /> Transit Plan (2017) and any new or different projects resulting from the Transit Plan Update <br /> (2021) will be incorporated at a later date. <br /> Key highlight in Draft 2050 MTP highway projects: <br /> • Due to the financial constrained nature of the MTP, when highway projects are removed, <br /> they are replaced by other highway projects per state and federal transportation funding <br /> regulations. <br /> o Example: Orange Grove Road extension (2045 MTP) was removed from the State <br /> Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This allows for Orange County's priority <br /> — NC-86 improvement from US-70 to NC-57 — to be added to the 2050 MTP. <br /> OUTBoard Action <br /> On September 15, 2021, the Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) provided the <br /> memo at Attachment 5 for the BOCC's consideration. Highlights of OUTBoards comments are <br /> provided below: <br />