Minutes - 19611106
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19611106
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20 <br />T4 <br />.'Unutes of the Poard of Commissioners <br />November 6, 1961 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, November 6, 1961, at ten o'clock <br />i. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Donald Stanford, Commissioners Harvey Bennett, Clarence Jones„ <br />old McDade and Henry iialker <br />8i mbers absent: None <br />John Tolar, onmer of a store that burned on February 23, 1961, appeared and requested he be <br />need tax relief on his store for this year as it burned so close to the first of the year. The <br />rd advised Ms. Toler it was without statutory authority to grant his request and therefor the <br />uest was declined. <br />The following road petitions were approved and the Clerk was directed to forward same <br />the Highway Department. <br />1. Timberlake Estates <br />2. Lake Forest Estates <br />3. James Strickland Road <br />4. [filler Road (paving) <br />Commissioner Bennett voiced the opinion that due to adverse public reaction to the portion <br />the secondary road pro;ram in our county dealing with new construction we should have our <br />rd Chairman trite the District Higlvray Commissioner and request a review of this feature of <br />program. <br />The Accountant reported that at present we have available about -5150,000.00 that could be <br />ested in Government obl.iffati.on until the middle of next iaay, Commissioner Bennett moved that <br />s sum be so invested. Commissioner Jones gave a second to this motion. Chairman Stanford <br />led for a vote and there were 5 ayes and 0 nayes. Chairman Stanford then declared the motion passed. <br />Bids were received for three (3) nerr automobiles for the Sheriff's Department. offering in <br />de two (2) 1961 Plymouths and one (1) 1959 Ford. <br />Harris Comers motor Company difference of ;141320.00 <br />Yates Motcr Company difference of y4,443.14 <br />Ray Motor Company difference of .'j4,265.93 <br />To each of these bids one oar cents (1H) sales tax must be added. <br />After lengthy study of these bids Commissioner 3cDade moved that the county accept the <br />bid. Commissioner Bennett gave a second to this motion. Chairman Stanford called for the <br />__ and there were 5 ayes and 0 ryes. Cbairman Stanford then declared the motion passed, <br />The County Accountant advised the Board of certain renairs which were necessary on the old <br />rehouse. The Board decided to continue study of this problem until a later date. <br />The following jurors were drain to serve at the December term of criminal court. <br />Leming A Simons (CH) 26, J. G. Palmer (CH) 52. Benjamin Pratt (CH) <br />Jas. B. Williams (Rt. 1 Durham) 27. Hattie Woods (Hb) 53• Edna Potts (Cb) <br />Odell Bartlett (CH) 28. Gus Alston (CH) 54. Wilbur R. Pope (CH) <br />Samuel C. Harrison (Rt. 1 Durham) 29. James I. Evans 55• Howard Hearn (Cb) <br />Rayne Holt Riley (bb) 30, Leonia K. Atwater (CH) 56. Euma Powell (CH) <br />George L. Paylor (CH) 31, Wm, 4 Albright (Efland) 57. Thomas G. Poe <br />T. C. Allison, Sr. (E!) 32. Fred Parker.(Rt. 1, Durham) (Rt. 1 Durham) <br />Hoyt Durham (CH) 33• James David Hall (hb) 56. Robert C. Calton (CH) <br />Jack D. Hoban (CH) 34• John Faucetta (Efland) 59• Dallis Thomas (CH) <br />P. K. Ho3an (Cif) 35. Boyd Singletary (W. Hb.) 60. Larry W. Hays, Jr. (C <br />Clyde W. Lloyd (CH) 36. Donald C. Atwater (CH) 61. A. B. Poole (Cb) <br />Sam Lansford (h'b) 37. Will If. King (W. Hb.) 62. Thos. E. Pickett (CH) <br />Eliza Chavious (Hb) 38. James J. Cranford (CH) 63• Ponnle C. Rhyne (CH) <br />Raymond C, Byrd (Hb) 39• Q. L. Kenyon (Hb) 64• Frank B. Hawkins <br />elrs. W. 4i, Snipes (hb) 40. Jess Mann (W. Hb.) (Rodgemont) <br />Charlie L. Long (fib) 41. Myron G. Sandifer (CH) 65. Nathaniel Allison (C <br />Robert D. Cushman (CH) 42. John H. McKee (Hb) 66. Mary D. McAdoo (Efl ) <br />(raver Dezern, Jr, (Hb) 43. James Parrish (CH) 67. D. A. Hastings (a) <br />John E. Sharpe (hb) 44. 17. Carson Ryan (CH) 68. Jas. R. Walker (Hb) <br />John Henry Dickey (hh) 45. Reginald G. Mason, Jr. 69. Eugene McAdoo (E[lan <br />E'.ary Pegram (CH) (Rt. 1, Durham) 70, Miss Julis Harriss ( ) <br />Robt. C. Parker (Cb) 46. Howard M. Tapp (CH) T1. Ernest Edwards (CH) <br />Albert :Kirk (Ha) 48. Ida Jackson (CH) 72. Harold G. Richter (C <br />Paul Pendergraft (CH) 49. Clean Mae Hill, Jr, (CH) <br />James Bigelow (Cebane) 50. A. W. Creef (Cb.) <br />51. Mrs. Raymond Knight (CH) <br />There bean; no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. <br />Donald Stanford <br />Betty June Hayes, Clark Chairman <br />and <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clark
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