Orange County NC Website
Hillsborough State Employees Credit Union <br />rx2 Stormwater Report <br />(� Project # 70994252 <br />Project Overview <br />The State Employee's Credit union intends to increase the size of its facility and parking area at the <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina location at the comer of Old Hillsborough - Chapel Hill and Oakdale Roads. <br />The project will involve converting a new piece of land into a parking area with a small building to service <br />a new drive through teller system. <br />Methodology <br />Water Quantity <br />This hydraulic study was preformed using HydroCA-DO6,-This is a software package by-Applied, an a <br />Microcomputer Systems, which can be used to model a variety of watersheds, Ponds � <br />hon ereo . to y- was-pe - U nne using_ <br />Please refer to the attached summary (Appendix A) for the peak flows and water levels and to the <br />attached calculations for details.. <br />Water Quality <br />For nitrogen runoff analysis, the two lots were combined and treated as one large area. The <br />nitrogen was calculated using method I from the Orange County Stormwater ordinance for Lands <br />within the Neuse River Basin. <br />Site Description <br />The existing credit union is on 2.26 acres, consisting of a building and parking area that takes up most of <br />the site, A detention pond is located near Oakdale Road, which drains into a culvert beneath Oakdale <br />Road. The new property is to the south of the existing building, consisting of a few small buildings, <br />driveways, fencing and a house. The new land will have a small building for new drive through tellers, and <br />additional parking- <br />Proposed Stormwater Management <br />The existing pond and stormwater system will remain in place, with the addition of only one yard inlet, <br />The quantity of stormwater through the existing system will increase slightly with the addition of some <br />runoff from the new site. The pond is capable of handling a large increase in quantity while still detaining <br />the runoff from the site. The current pipe system can accommodate the slight increase in flow, but would <br />not be able to handle the runoff from the whole new property, Therefore a separate stormwater detention <br />system for the new development was designed. <br />The new property will decrease runoff quantity to the predevelopment values through an underground <br />detention system beneath the proposed parking area, This underground detention system will consist of <br />400' of 36" HDPE Piping. <br />The outflow of the detention system will be controlled through the cap at the end of the pipes, A 5" pipe <br />will restrict the outflow in the two year storm to the pre - construction levels, and the cap will be open at the <br />top for free outflow in larger storm events. <br />Because the post - development Nitrogen values will be less than 10 pounds per acre per year, the owners <br />plan to make a payment toward the wetland mitigation fund and not implement any nutrient reduction <br />practices. The nitrogen calculations can be seen in Appendix B. <br />A small area will not be directed to the stormwater detention system because of the elevation differences, <br />This water will be directed to the effluent pipe from the detention system and the water will be y anal directed to <br />a rip -rap dissipater pad. The value of this flow has been taken into consideration in water quantity analysis. <br />Page 1 <br />08/08/03 <br />