Agenda - 12-03-2001-8o
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-03-2001
Agenda - 12-03-2001-8o
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CM1av¢e Order J: Avlvmatic Nlvbhive Valves -One ofthc chWlrnges of We RoKen Road project awes <br />its ivccpOan ie the regtiremem Nat the project's weer mains he sized barge sough m provide &m <br />p%tatiov (lows mtd pressures throughom the ncighberhood mrd aaotnmodating the projected tlemsd of <br />forme develepmrnr in adjacent areas (such as Ore Grerne TrecQ, while simultaneouslyprovidmgteigh <br />quality drNldng water toerelatively £ew existing cmlomers. This requirsevt poses something ofe <br />oontrndmm iv W¢t pomble warm ie treated with WsWfeotst clremjoak (usually chlodve or s ohlodne <br />ompovvd) that dissipate from No vcated watu within a shovperiod oRime (%sazallY a week or lass). <br />AcwNivgly, forwatar m remtiv potable (bY law, retaining a memmablecWonvc reaidus9, it must be <br />reKWarly mplsished(or "mmed ovet')in Ne water mains. This repladsWnaH is accomplished ei[her <br />when the waur is wvsumW by local mars or when the uLGty routinely flushes wvur from aportiov ofthe <br />system Naz would experience wsufficient water mmovtt otherwise. <br />Thtte is little quesfion thaz the limited vumbcr o(pmwtial existing water customers W Ne Rogvs Aoad <br />vwty a¢d We speed, m lack Nmeef, at which they will wnnsl w Ne systvn will mandate drat We <br />system be flashed regularly. OWASApraposes [e accomplish the dushNgproccee by wstallwg <br />automated flushing valve appamWS at Wree locationsNNe togas Road syniw. A[eacb locadon,a <br />banay powered tinter and hmh valve syamm will openly Iv upev a Rusbin8 valve at predo[ormirred times <br />end for prederemsmed lvtavals that havebean calcvlaled to sure Nat the water available to eonsumas <br />retnaitu properly disinfected. TM1e tirml cost for We purchase and insmlladon of[hese valves and <br />associnted equipmm[has vol yet been delemlivcd. Howmer, the total eva[has been aalimnfed by <br />OWASA ataRlo fall in [he $38000 to 525,000 range. <br />Tlrerc love been several questions as fo We cf&cacp of[he evtometed flush vulva installation m opDOSed <br />m moms sort ofmmtual dusWUg Process that would continue motif demand generated flow is sufficicm [e <br />provide the necessary mmnvm ofwmer. While Were is little question that suc6aprocess mould be <br />implemented for this particular subsystmv of OWASA's wale[ disvibution network, itwouldbe a fime <br />uming mdstaff intensive opaadovf OWASA. OWASA will alreadyhe called upon to bear We <br />costa of Ore water Wat is lost tM1muKM1 fhe ^usltin8 oPerazion, regarWess ofwheOser Wat opaafiov is <br />automated ormanual. The quesfion of the cxtcut o[ Wose emote hashes very recemly posed to OWA$A <br />sluff', bul Na answer is not yet avaiable. <br />OI may proa9de ulditioral iWbnvalicn at tlus time, please advise. <br />
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