Appropriated for this project:
<br /> Current FY FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Construction $1,436,000 ($639,132) $796,868
<br /> Total Costs $1,426,000 ($639,132) $796,868
<br /> Chapel Hill High School Project — ($2,373,024) — Project #53001
<br /> Revenues for this project:
<br /> Current FY FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> 2016 Bonds $68,000,000 $639,132 $68,639,132
<br /> Alternative Financing $0 $1,724,900 $1,724,900
<br /> From General Fund $0 $8.992 $8,992
<br /> Total Project Funding $68,000,000 $2,373,024 $70,373,024
<br /> Appropriated for this project:
<br /> Current FY FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Construction $68,000,000 $2,373,024 $70,373,024
<br /> Total Costs $68,000,000 $2,373,024 $70,373,024
<br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There is no Orange County Social Justice Goal impact
<br /> associated with this item.
<br /> Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Quarterly Bond Project Update
<br /> Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) has provided a quarterly update of the 2016
<br /> Bond Issuance Projects and its Major Facility Renovations capital projects (see
<br /> Attachments 3 and 4.)
<br /> Attachment 3 provides project status for CHCCS $72.1 million 2016 Bond Authorization.
<br /> Attachment 4 provides CHCCS project estimates for the Chapel Hill High School project.
<br /> County Manager's Office
<br /> 9. Funding for a performance evaluation of the Planning and Inspections Department (a
<br /> contract was awarded to MGT of America Consulting, LLC) was approved in FY 2020-
<br /> 2021, but was unable to be expended in that same fiscal year. This budget amendment
<br /> provides for the transfer of $20,833 from the Facility Master Plan — Hillsborough Capital
<br /> Project to the County Manager's Office to cover the cost of the contract, and amends the
<br /> following capital project ordinance:
<br /> Facility Master Plan - Hillsborough — (-$20,833) - Project# 10078
<br /> Revenues for this project:
<br /> Current FY FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Transfer from General Fund $300,000 $20,833 $279,167
<br /> Total Project Funding $300,000 ($20,833) $279,167
<br />