Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> Hillsborough Water System <br /> The Hillsborough Water System will be allowed to withdraw a maximum of 1,510,000 gallons <br /> of water per day from their intake at Lake Ben Johnston. Maximum allowable withdrawals <br /> will change as the lake levels at Lake Orange change.Table 1 indicates the maximum allowable <br /> withdrawal at successive storage levels. <br /> Orange-Alamance Water System <br /> The Orange-Alamance Water System will be allowed to withdraw a maximum of 820,000 <br /> gallons of water per day from its intake at Corporation Lake. Allowed withdrawals will be <br /> reduced as storage at Lake Orange is reduced. Table 1 indicates the maximum allowable <br /> withdrawal for given storage levels at Lake Orange. <br /> Resco Products (formerly, Piedmont Minerals <br /> Resco Products will be allowed to withdraw a maximum of 900,000 gallons of water per day <br /> from their intake in the Eno River below Lake Ben Johnston when flows at the Eno gage are <br /> 14 cfs and above. This will be reduced to 430,000 gallons per day when flows are between <br /> 14 cfs and 4 cfs. Below 4 cfs, the maximum allowable withdrawal will depend on the storage <br /> and lake levels in Lake Orange, as shown in Table 1. <br /> City of Durham Water System <br /> The City of Durham Water System will be allowed to withdraw water from the Eno River below <br /> the U.S. 501 Bridge in amounts up to 5,000,000 gallons of water per day when the flows, as <br /> measured at the USGS Eno River gage at Durham, are above 30 cfs from March through May <br /> and 10 cfs during other times of the year. Withdrawals will cease when flows fall below these <br /> levels. <br /> West Point Grist Mill <br /> The West Point Grist Mill is a run-of-river operation. The Mill will be permitted to use water <br /> from the Eno for mill power and return it to the river immediately downstream. <br /> Irrigators with Average Use Exceeding 100,000 Gallons/Day <br /> Irrigators will be allowed to withdraw up to their maximum monthly use, based on water use <br /> figures collected by the Division of Water Resources in 1987 for the severe drought year of <br /> 1986. Current (1986) water use would not be restricted, but increases in existing water use <br /> and large new users may be restricted. The short-range objective is to limit the expansion of <br /> irrigation acreage and facilities until downstream water supply sources can be improved. <br /> Users Withdrawing in Excess of 100,000 Gallons Per Day <br /> Any users, not previously mentioned, which withdraw more than 100,000 gallons per day <br /> from either ground or surface water sources in the Eno River Basin, upstream of the <br /> confluence with the Little River, will be required to agree to limits, but are not now included <br /> in this plan. <br /> 6 <br />