Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The Water Management Operations Plan (WMOP) was the result of a Capacity Use <br /> Investigation (CUI) by the Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) (formerly, Department <br /> of Natural Resources and Community Development)—Division of Water Resources (DWR) and <br /> a subsequent cooperative effort by the DWR and primary water users at the time to avoid a <br /> formal Capacity Use designation and regulations. The WMOP, instead, established voluntary <br /> water use restrictions that provide for equitable use of the water resources, while providing <br /> for minimum flows in the Eno River. The requirements in the WMOP are managed and <br /> administered by the water users and Orange County, with oversight and coordination by <br /> DWR. The DWR is responsible for production of the quarterly and annual reports based on <br /> available information and organization of an annual meeting of the water users group. Based <br /> upon the EMC Resolution (attached), the intent of the WMOP is to institute a "voluntary <br /> water management plan [that] includes the essential elements of a declared capacity use area <br /> with the exception of the provisions for enforcement, ... [to] satisfactorily address the capacity <br /> use-related problems in the Eno River area." <br /> The specific changes or additions made for each of the previous modifications or revisions <br /> listed on the cover page (March 1989, July 1990, March 2000) are not entirely known. <br /> However, the changes made in July 1990 and March 2000 included revisions to Table 1. Both <br /> versions of Table 1 are included in this current version of the WMOP.The March 2000 revision <br /> of Table 1 was specifically concerned with integrating the minimum release requirements for <br /> the newly constructed West Fork Eno River Reservoir (WFER). These minimum release <br /> requirements were from federal and state permits (Clean Water Act - Sections 401/404, and <br /> NCDEMLR Dam Safety Permit) for the dam construction and established outside of <br /> requirements by the EMC related to the Eno River WMOP. This revision is limited to editorial <br /> changes for clarifications, background information, intent statement based on the EMC <br /> Resolution, and to create a modern digital version. This revision in no way implies any <br /> management or operational changes to the WMOP. <br /> Issues with using the Eno River as a dependable water supply had been documented for many <br /> years, dating back to the 1950's, especially during times of drought. As a result, the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners formed a water resource task force in the early 1980's to <br /> study potential options available to improve the situation, who issued a report of their <br /> findings in May 1981. According to the Capacity Use Investigation (CUI), issued December <br /> 1988, by the DEQ, "The [task force] report discussed possible designation of the Upper Neuse <br /> Basin as a Capacity Use Area; concerns over maintaining instream flow needs; water supply <br /> limitations; water conservation; potential reservoir sites; and other related items.The County <br /> has worked closely with the State in attempting to achieve their water resource objectives." <br /> The CUI continues describing the findings from the task force report, "The State has worked <br /> closely with the local governments in the Eno River Area in attempting to provide for <br /> adequate water supplies and minimum instream flow needs. The State has assisted local <br /> water supply interests in determining storage volumes available in the three reservoirs [i.e, <br /> 4 <br />