Minutes 05-18-2021 Virtual Business meeting
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-18-2021 Virtual Business meeting
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9/8/2021 11:36:45 AM
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Agenda - 05-18-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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9 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin left the meeting at 7:48 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked for addition to include definition, as a "center" could be <br /> anything. <br /> Perdita Holtz said the definition is in Article 10. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the language does not serve well. <br /> Perdita Holtz said it came from State language. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she agrees with Commissioner Bedford, and does not <br /> want to change the notice from 15 to 10 days. She said she wants to signal to residents that <br /> they have been heard regarding adequate notice. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton referred to section 2.712, which discusses giving notice about <br /> special permits within reasonable time. She said this is vague, and needs specification. She <br /> said the previous 5 days may not have been enough, but she would like more specificity. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin rejoined the meeting at 7:51 p.m. <br /> James Bryan said this is notice of something that is already done, rather than telling the <br /> public something will be done. He said residents go to the Board of Adjustment with special <br /> use permits, and have already had notices leading up, then the quasi-judicial hearing, then the <br /> Board of Adjustment makes a decision of yes or no. He said usually parties are in the room, <br /> and within 5 days, staff will mail a letter about what happened at the hearing. He said this is <br /> usually unnecessary because of everyone being in the room. He said the Board's action only <br /> takes effect when reduced in writing and signed by the chair. He said this normally did not <br /> happen within 5 days because a lot can happen at hearings. He said there has to be a finding <br /> of fact, which is dependent on testimony and witnesses, and staff often has to wait for minutes <br /> before sending the notice. He said that document starts clock for appealing the decision with <br /> Superior Court. He said 5 days is a quick turnover and it confuses some people who think 30 <br /> days starts from vote or notice, but is actually from the date the ordinance is signed by the <br /> chair. He said the Board of Adjustment makes Quasi-judicial decisions, and the current chair <br /> agrees this is confusing for the public, and wanted to streamline it. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she can understand that 5 days is not enough time, with all <br /> of the steps that need to be taken, but finds the wording "reasonable time" adds more <br /> confusion. She said there should be some timeline so people do not argue about defining <br /> reasonableness. <br /> James Bryan said it is required by statute that the Board of Adjustment has to do it and <br /> the Board chair has to sign it. He said some meetings span over several nights or several <br /> months, while others are very simple. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton clarified that the letter is sent after the decision is made, so it <br /> seems there could be a timeframe since everything has been done up to that point. <br /> Chair Price said if the issue is the word "reasonable", it is part of general legalese and <br /> asked an attorney on the call to comment about that. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he thinks "reasonable" is ambiguous. He suggested <br /> removing the option for a copy of the decision to be provided before it becomes effective. He <br /> said if clock only starts running after the decision is effective, then he would go with 10 days <br /> instead of 5. <br /> Chair Price asked if the term "reasonable" is from the state statute. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin exited the meeting at 7:59 p.m. <br />
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