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8 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she is willing to let go of newspaper ads versus mailings, <br /> and the BOCC can go back and change it if it is not working. She said she does not think the <br /> 15 days should go down to 10 days, due to possible mail delays. She asked if there is a <br /> process reason for this, other than being aligned with state statute. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin exited the meeting at 7:38 p.m. <br /> Perdita Holtz said changing this would not mean the practice would change, just that the <br /> UDO would have the 10 days minimum to be in keeping with State statute. She said the <br /> Attorney's office made this request, and that is why Planning Staff has proposed it. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if there is an issue of being better than state statute, or if <br /> it is important legally to mirror the statute. <br /> James Bryan, County Attorney's Office, said he recommends the ordinance follow state <br /> statute as much as possible, in order to avoid confusion. He said, by practice, staff has always <br /> done as much as possible. He said the Ordinance does not currently provide any leeway, and <br /> there may be a holiday break, the newspaper does not get printed, staff is sick, etc. He said <br /> changing it to 10 days, would allow for these circumstance. He said if it is in the ordinance, <br /> staff will have to abide by it. He said Staff does things in practice that are not in ordinance, and <br /> changing from 10 to15 days is not going to make a major difference. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton referred to section 1.3.1, and asked for clarification on the <br /> meaning of"hear and decide applications, appealing those decisions, appealed to the BOCU. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin returned to the meeting at 7:42 p.m. <br /> Perdita Holtz said there are certain decisions that get appealed to BOCC (ex. storm <br /> water decisions before appealed to state). She said there are only a few appeals in the UDO <br /> that are made to BOCC versus the Board of Adjustment (BOA) or Superior Court. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said it is difficult wording. <br /> Perdita Holtz said staff could look at this. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she is concerned about clarity. She said she agrees with <br /> the simplification of special permit versus conditional district. She asked where is the <br /> conditional district responsibility of the BOCC to decide, in this section. She asked if it is part of <br /> the application for amendment. <br /> Perdita Holtz said it is part of the zoning map to rezone to a conditional district. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked about duties of the Planning Board. She referred to <br /> 160D/301 on planning boards, which says, "facilitate and coordinate citizen engagement and <br /> participation in the planning process". <br /> Perdita Holtz said she has not looked at that part of the statute in a while. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said this clearly addressed the Planning Board's duties <br /> regarding public engagement, <br /> Perdita Holtz said this could be put in if deemed necessary. She said one reason staff <br /> did not include it is because the Planning Board is a volunteer board of residents. She said <br /> some jurisdictions do not have staff, and thus these Planning Boards do more and members <br /> are compensated. She said this language reflects what happens in Orange County versus <br /> other jurisdictions in the state. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said the scope of the statement seems broad for a volunteer <br /> board, but something that signifies part of their role is to welcome citizen comments would be <br /> helpful. She referred to another wording change regarding day care centers in residences, <br /> which she also found to be unclear. <br /> Perdita Holtz said this new language is a simple correction that should have been made <br /> in 2019, but was missed. She said the official name is now "center in a residence". <br />