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26 <br /> specific initiative designed for businesses owned by people of color. He said he can go through <br /> the list to identify the priorities, and let Commissioners respond with additional ideas. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said it would be helpful to include these details in communication <br /> with public, and how the goals will be achieved. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she has not read the detailed plan either, but has concerns <br /> about prioritizing. She said this overview sounds fabulous, but the COVID crisis has required <br /> recalibration for what county government should be doing. She said she is worried this plan is <br /> biting off a lot, and if there is no coordination of expectations, things may not get accomplished. <br /> She said she would like to see something included about the local food system, and what the <br /> Food Council is doing. She said the Food Council has a think tank of black farmers, with whom <br /> they are working, to get input on how they can be most successful. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said the plan includes a lot of things the County already does. <br /> She said she would like to see a focus on economic development, especially for people who <br /> have not been prioritized, and avoid "trickle down" theory. She said she really wants to think <br /> differently and outside the box. She cited an example of surgical suites in Chile, where it was <br /> found that if janitorial staff was paid a higher wage, they worked more quickly at cleaning the <br /> rooms after a surgery. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton echoed the previous comments. She said she also has not <br /> read the detailed plan, but she wants to know the measurable outcomes, and ways to track how <br /> the plan is working. She said it is also important for the budget to reflect priorities. She said <br /> she wants to consider how to map this initiative onto the budget and County priorities. <br /> Travis Myren said there are some measures in the plan, but those will continue to be <br /> refined. <br /> Chair Price said she also has not read through the full plan. She said the plan gives a <br /> good foundation of past steps and where to go. She said she thinks there will be a new normal <br /> coming out of pandemic, and this can help the County make some necessary changes. She <br /> said in the beginning there were some issues about diversity in the planning process, and steps <br /> were made to make amends on that. She said going forward, instead of only seeking input <br /> she would want to have people of different backgrounds participating in posing questions and <br /> making suggestions, as opposed to seeking their input. She said a lot of organizations are <br /> listed, but very few have people of color. She said as teams are being created, she would like <br /> to move outside of just executive directors, and get other people in the organization to achieve <br /> the most well rounded thought process. <br /> 8. Consent Agenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> Commissioner Hamilton removed Item 8-m from the consent agenda <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to <br /> approve the remaining consent agenda. <br /> Roll call ensued. <br /> VOTE: UNANMIOUS <br /> • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br />