Agenda - 11-20-2003-3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-20-2003
Agenda - 11-20-2003-3
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9/1/2008 11:44:42 PM
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8/29/2008 10:36:00 AM
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<br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: .John Link, County Manager <br />FROM: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br />SUBJECT: Solid Waste Plarmiug/Alternative Financing <br />DATE: November 17, 2003 <br />This memorandum identifies and discusses issues surrounding Orange County's existing solid waste <br />management plan, proposed revisions to the existing plan stimulated by BOCC continents/concerns, <br />and a staff suggested approach to providing alternative financing to the enterprise fund, No formal <br />decisions are required at this November 20 work session. To the extent that time permits, however, <br />any "agreement in principle" the Boazd may be able to r°each would he most helpful regarding some <br />or all of the proposed elements of the waste reduction plan revisions and the basic approach to solid <br />waste alternative financing,. <br />Previously Adopted Solid Waste Mana~ement_Plan <br />In 1997, the local governments of Orange County developed and adopted a solid waste management <br />(waste reduction) plan (Attac/unertt A). hi that same yeaz•, the waste reduction plan was incorporated <br />into a comprehensive solid waste management plan, again endorsed by Orange County goverruuents <br />and submitted as required to the State of North Carolina. hi 2000, all the local governments in <br />Orange County reaffirmed the plan, and it was resubmitted to the State, consistent with the State's .3- <br />yearplan update requirement. <br />When the BOCC most recently endorsed the solid waste management plan, the Board expressed <br />some reservations regarding certain aspects of the waste reduction portion of the overall plan and <br />indicated that they wished to more thoroughly revisit plan components prior to the scheduled 2003 <br />reauthorization. The discussion of the plan at the November 20 work session is intended to begin <br />BOCC reconsideration of the plan prior to staff s proceeding to schedule a public hearing, obtain <br />formal govermlental endorsements, and submitting Orazige County's three year update to the State. <br />The plan update was originally due .Tune .30, 200.3, but staff obtained State approval of an extension <br />of this requirement. <br />Current Status of the Ptan <br />The BOCC's review and achieving "agreement in principle" on the plan is critical to gaining final <br />formal endorsements of all the local governments and submission of'the completed plan update to the <br />State. It is also essential for finalizing the progrannnatic/operational elements of the plan so that a <br />financial analysis can be refined. The financial analysis will allow development of a 10-year <br />financial plan so that accurate determinations can he made regarding the level of supplemental <br />financing that may be necessary <br />
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