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18 <br /> but will bring those. She said the timing for the project is good, and there are some design <br /> development estimates in and they are doing some value engineering. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if there would be reductions to the Chapel Hill Library, <br /> since reductions are being made to Orange County Library. <br /> Travis Myren said a similar reduction is not currently recommended. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said as an amendment to the budget, he requested that be <br /> decreased by at least 5%, depending on how much it is. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she would add that to the list. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she understands the cuts to the libraries, but would like for <br /> staff to keep tabs on the community's response to the reduction in hours, and hopes it will only <br /> be a temporary change. <br /> Lucinda Munger, Library Services Director, said when the schedule was first proposed <br /> for the main library in 2009-10, requests from residents were tracked and the operating hours <br /> were re-evaluated. She said there have been a lot of comments from residents wanting the <br /> library open. She said hours will be re-evaluated at the beginning of the next budget cycle. <br /> Commissioner Greene said a member of the Chapel Hill Town petitioned to reconvene <br /> the committee to discuss funding for the Chapel Hill Library, because he/she does not think it is <br /> receiving enough. She said maybe that conversation will start up again and Commissioner <br /> Dorosin could be on the committee. <br /> Chair Price asked about the schedule difference between the slide and the <br /> Recommended Budget Document, where the first says the library will be closed Sundays, and <br /> the latter says Monday. <br /> Lucinda Munger said staff meetings were held after the budget document was created, <br /> and in order to have the library open 54 hours a week, it was suggested to cut a few hours off <br /> throughout the week and close on Sunday, because that was the shortest day the library would <br /> be open. She said when the main library first opened it was closed on Sundays, so staff <br /> followed that original template. <br /> Chair Price said she is concerned about being closed on Sundays, because that is a day <br /> that many people have off. She asked if Library staff has kept track over the years on the <br /> number who visit at different days and time. <br /> Lucinda Munger said staff needed to cut 14 hours, which is not easy to cut. <br /> Chair Price asked why the library had to cut hours. <br /> Lucinda Munger said because of the budget. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said in order to balance the budget, she had to look at a couple of <br /> discretionary departments. She said Sunday is the shortest day the library is open and Lucinda <br /> Munger offered there could be a technical amendment if that is what the recommended budget <br /> is. She said she hopes it is not forever, and staff will evaluate what the public says in regards <br /> to the hours. She said opening a library is not a permissible use of ARPA, so staff had to find <br /> some areas to reduce hours. She said this is the number of hours the library was open in the <br /> past, and staff would look at the hours to make sure they are meeting the most usage. <br /> Chair Price said she is still concerned, because she views the library as an extension of <br /> the whole education process. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff will monitor the situation and make sure the needs of the <br /> most people are being met going forward. <br /> Chair Price said she can recall going to the libraries and not being able to find parking <br /> on the weekends, because they are so well used. <br /> Travis Myren resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br />