Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> local governments to get a competitive provider. She said this is a chance of a lifetime, and the <br /> funds and a cooperative federal government will never come again. She said there are already <br /> companies interested in partnering, and she would not hesitate to overbuild the RDOF areas. <br /> She said nothing will get Spectrum moving like competition in their territory. <br /> Chair Price asked if the task force had spoken with churches or the community to see if <br /> they are interested in participating. <br /> Commissioner McKee said no, and personally, he did not consider that the first step, <br /> because he did not want to go to the community without having a plan to share. He said he <br /> would like to know what the County is proposing before going to the community. <br /> Chair Price asked if Commission McKee has heard anything from the community as to <br /> interest in broadband. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there will be an event at Cedar Grove Community Center on <br /> July 24, 2021 to promote broadband. He said many people have expressed general support to <br /> him, but he would not expect 100% participation. <br /> Chair Price said she did not expect 100% participation, but she would like to know if <br /> running the infrastructure in rural areas would be worthwhile. <br /> Commissioner McKee said if the County does not have any interested providers, it does <br /> not have anything to offer the community. <br /> Chair Price asked if there is an update about state funding. <br /> Catharine Rice said the Governor made recommendations to the legislature. She said <br /> the timeline is unknown, as well as under what terms the money will be available. She said this <br /> is why it is important to keep moving forward with the current process. <br /> Jim Northrup said one recommendation of the Growing Rural Economies with Access to <br /> Technology (GREAT) Grant is to remove the tier-system and use census blocks with less than <br /> 500 people per square mile. He said this would cover most of Orange County, with exception <br /> of the incorporated municipalities. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if a vendor returned the RDOF monies if there are <br /> penalties. <br /> Catharine Rice said if Spectrum defaults prior to funds being issued, the penalty is 15% <br /> of the total award. She said the penalties become more severe if defaults continue to occur. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if the County owns the infrastructure, what will it cost to <br /> maintain it. She said it would be helpful to see the costs and the benefits, in order to best <br /> steward the County's resources. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if the County had a fiber network that it had built, could the <br /> County lease it to more than one ISP at a time. <br /> Catharine Rice said that practice is called Open Access, and is not common here, but is <br /> common in Europe. She said it is just starting to take off here. She provided two examples, <br /> one of which resulted in a low-cost to consumers. She said the economics are tough on open <br /> access, but the County could try it. She said the County could build the network and lease it <br /> whomever it chooses. She said Fiber has infinite capacity, which is why the federal government <br /> is pushing for it. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the exact infrastructure and maintenance costs cannot be <br /> shared because the task force wanted to get feedback from the Board of County <br /> Commissioners before moving forward. He said the goal is to make the best use of time. He <br /> said the cost of maintaining will be considered before entering into any project, but there is no <br /> doubt the costs will be high. <br />