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6 <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if the County pursued the Time Warner method, who would <br /> own the ISP. <br /> Jim Northrup said that is to be decided. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the question of who will own the fiber is part of tonight's <br /> discussion, in order to move forward with the RFP. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that question would be discussed during the closed session. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the RFP is not an award of a contract, but rather is an <br /> invitation to negotiate, and it will depend on how much the vendor wants to put into it. She said <br /> there are a lot of unknowns, but this is a good start. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if there would be a cost to the homeowner. <br /> Jim Northrup said it would be the same market price to homeowners in urban and rural <br /> areas. He said there will be no surcharge for rural customers. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said there are limits to service in rural areas because <br /> homeowners do not sign up due to the cost or larger elderly populations. She said she wants to <br /> get an idea of the full picture for the project. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if clarification on the RFP process could be provided. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the RFP is to ask if vendors are interested or not; if they are <br /> interested in cost sharing. She said it is not an either/or thing. She said the County will share <br /> its need, and see who is interested in partnering, and how they would like to see it done. <br /> Commissioner McKee said aspects of state law limit the County. He said the County <br /> cannot own it in the way OWASA operates. He said the task force needs to find out what <br /> providers will be interested in doing, and at what cost. He said there may be no interest at all, <br /> which is equally pertinent information. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the County is asking vendors to pay for specific things. <br /> He said if the County were to build and pay for the infrastructure would it not be wise to invite all <br /> providers to come in and create some competition. He said he does not want proposals for a <br /> monopoly. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed, and said he hoped he had not given that impression. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Commissioner McKee had not, and it seemed very open- <br /> ended. He said he would also not be in favor of giving away the infrastructure, as it excludes <br /> others. He said this is not really a RFP, but rather an invitation to collaborate. <br /> Commissioner McKee said one of the reasons of having a provider meeting is to find out <br /> what they want, and what they want from the County. He said despite having multiple task <br /> force meetings, he still does not know all of the questions or parameters to put on. He said <br /> State law may not allow the County to put limits on the costs to homeowners. He said despite <br /> all the unknowns, the County has to move forward with getting service to homeowners. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked about the RDOF Funds that Spectrum received, and <br /> asked if there is a realistic timeframe for Spectrum to start work. <br /> Catharine Rice said the FCC is going to determine who gets the funds next year. She <br /> said Spectrum is only getting $1.33 per home, per month, for 10 years, which is not a lot of <br /> subsidy. She said Spectrum is probably not feeling much incentive to build in Orange County. <br /> She said Spectrum has to build out 40% in the first three years, and the whole state in 6 years. <br /> She said there will be penalties if this is not completed, but the timeline is not definite. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin left the meeting at 7:44 p.m. and returned at 7:45 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if this will impact any other potential Orange County <br /> partners. She asked if Orange County has to stay out of Spectrum's way. <br /> Catharine Rice said competition is the best market force to drive costs down, improve <br /> customer service, and improve the quality of innovation. She said this is the best chance for <br />