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<br />Environmental Solutions Group ● 7 Maple Leaf Drive., Greensboro, NC 27401 ● 336-373-1538 ● 3 <br />Report with Protocols for Remediation <br />Environmental Solutions Group <br />Leading people, companies and communities to live, <br />work and prosper in a sustainable environment. <br />o Signs of light microbial growth were observed on some of the contents stored within the warehouse. <br />These contents were removed prior to ESG’s assessment. <br />o The warehouse is unconditioned and builds up dust quickly, due to the main air and ventilation being <br />introduced directly from outdoors via large fans near the top of the warehouse walls. ESG measured <br />relative humidity measurements all above 84% within the warehouse during the data collection. <br />▪ Moisture issues and microbial growth can begin to occur when humidity levels remain above <br />60%. <br />Indoor Air Quality and Biological Contaminants: <br />ASHRAE 62.1 defines acceptable indoor air quality as “air in which there are no known contaminants as determined by <br />cognizant authorities and with which a substantial majority (80% or more) of people exposed do not express <br />dissatisfaction.” <br />Indoor air biocontamination can be defined as an accumulation of a variety of biological agents and/or their byproducts <br />on a surface, with the potential to become airborne and induce allergenic, infectious, or toxic responses in exposed <br />individuals. Bio contaminants may include but are not limited to, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, microbial toxins, pollens, <br />dust mites, and insect parts. Biocontamination due to moisture can lead to exposure to fungal particles not found in <br />outdoor air. These particles contain allergens, triple helical glucan and co-occurring toxins that are associated with <br />exacerbation of asthma and upper respiratory disease. Recent panels have found that the remediation of moisture and <br />microbial growth in public buildings was justified in terms of improved public health. <br />Air Sample Findings: <br />Air samples to be analyzed for total airborne spores were collected in the interior of the warehouse, and outdoors for <br />comparison purposes. The samples were collected using Micro-5 cassettes connected to a calibrated Buck Libra low-flow <br />sampling pump for collection of total fungal spores, viable and non-viable, which provides a reliable profile of airborne <br />fungi within 24 hours of collection. Below are the significant findings: <br />• 8/4/21 report <br />o An elevated (3,760 counts/m3) level of the pathogenic fungi Aspergillus/Penicillium-like was identified at <br />the rear section of the warehouse. A 0 count was identified outdoors on the day of the assessment. <br />▪ Aspergillus and Penicillium are two of the most commonly found pathogenic fungi in problem <br />buildings. Because the spores of Aspergillus and Penicillium are very similar, they are not <br />differentiated by microscopic analysis and are reported together. These fungal types are <br />considered an indication of a current or prior moisture issue in a building. <br />o An elevated (4,080 counts/m3) level of the allergenic fungi Cladosporium was identified at the rear <br />section of the warehouse. A 440 count was identified outdoors on the day of the assessment. <br />▪ Cladosporium grows indoors at low concentrations in damp or humid areas, but may be found in <br />high concentrations in water-damaged building materials. Classified as a leaf surface mold, its <br />identification indoors is not necessarily a sign of moisture indoors. It is commonly seen on <br />windowsills, painted walls and a variety of cellulose materials. Its ability to sporulate heavily and <br />become airborne makes it an important allergen when found in high levels. <br />o An elevated (1,120 counts/m3) level of the allergenic fungi Cladosporium was identified at the front <br />section of the warehouse. A 440 count was identified outdoors on the day of the assessment. <br />• 9/14/20 report <br />o A slightly elevated (760 counts/m3) level of the pathogenic fungi Aspergillus/Penicillium-like was <br />identified at the interior of the building near the left entry door to the warehouse. A 0-160 count was <br />identified outdoors during outdoor comparison samples. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A9A4637A-BE59-4285-99BE-D253C29FA836