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'sm Jones -Sanitation Requirements Pre-K.doc Page 4 <br /> <br />similar items, Coat hooks not in individual cubicles shall be spaced at least 12 inches apart <br />horizontally. Medications shall be stored in a sepazate locked cabinet or other container, <br />Rooms or' spaces shall be provided for the storage of equipment, furniture, toys, clothes, cots, <br />mats and other supplies. Shelving units or' other approved storage shall be provided for <br />orderly storage of all supplies and equipment. Al] corrosive agents, insecticides, herbicides, <br />bleaches, detergents, and any other toxic materials shall be stored in a locked room or <br />cabinet. <br />Furniture and Tovs <br />Toys, furniture, cribs, or other items accessible to children shall be free of peeling, flaking, or <br />chalking paint. Furniture and toys provided by the child care center shall be of easily <br />cleanable construction and be kept clean. <br />Water Supply <br />Running water under pressure shall be provided in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of <br />cooking, cleaning, drinking, toilets and outside uses while maintaining a minimum water <br />pressure as prescribed by the North Carolina Plumbing Code, No crass-connections with an <br />unapproved water source shall exist. Water heating equipment sufficient tp meet the <br />maximum expected requirements of the center shall be provided. Capacity and recovery rates <br />of the water heating equipment shall be based on the hot water demand of sinks, dishwashing <br />machines, laundry equipment, mop basin, and food service and cleaning needs. Hot water <br />supplied to those areas accessible to children, including lavatories serving diaper changing <br />stations, shall be no less than 90°F and shall not exceed 110°F, Hot water at a minimum <br />temperature of 130°F shall be supplied at the point-of-use when hat water is not used for <br />sanitizing. When hot water is used for sanitizing, a minimum temperature of 140°F shall be <br />provided at point-of-use, <br />Food Service Equipment <br />For manual utensil washing, a 3-compaztment utensil sink which complies with National <br />Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards shall be provided, The 3-compartment sink shall have <br />drainboards which are at least 24-inches in length. A separate food preparation sink with <br />drainboazds shall be provided for the washing and processing of foods where plan review <br />shows that the volume and prepazation frequency requires such facilities, A commercial <br />exhaust hood is required when foods are fried on-site, The hood must conform to the North <br />Carolina Building Code. A separate lavatory for handwashing is required in food prepazation <br />and food service areas. Refrigeration equipment which complies with NSF standazds shall be <br />provided in such number and of such capacity to assure the maintenance of food products at <br />required temperatures. Hot food holding equipment shall be provided in such number to <br />assure the maintenance of cooked foods at proper temperatures, If a dishwashing machine is <br />used in addition to the 3-compartment sink, the machine shall conform to NSF standards and <br />be equipped with clean and soiled drainboards. Adequate food storage facilities such as free- <br />