Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Attachment B- Action Items to Expand Affordable Housing Incentives and Opportunities <br /> Complexity2. Mid-Term - Intermediate <br /> Action Item Description <br /> 2.1 Orange County Unified <br /> Development Ordinance To continue efforts to address barriers to affordable housing, a second text amendment package may be presented to address regulations pertaining to efficiency <br /> (UDO)Text Amendments apartments, accessory dwelling units, and home parks. <br /> (Phase 2)- Dwelling Based <br /> Complete a thorough examination of the existing Orange County Density Bonus policy to allow for a greater density for those projects which contain housing for low-to <br /> 2.2 Modify Existing Density moderate-income households.To date, a developer has never pursued this policy. Current policy generally allows for 25% more density where at least 40%of units are <br /> Bonus <br /> affordable. This bonus is not available in the protected watershed.This will include an analysis to determine a more viable density bonus for developers,which may be <br /> more practicable and feasible to pursue. Current bonus is authorized by special legislation, and thus alterations to this bonus would likely require additional special <br /> legislation. May result in amendments to the UDO. <br /> 2.3 Utilize Development Explore the use of development agreements for particular affordable housing projects. Engage with individual developers or create a general policy to exchange vested <br /> Agreements rights in long-term projects for several considerations including the provision of affordable housing. May result in amendments to the UDO. <br /> 2.4 Pursue an affordable <br /> Pursue an Affordable Housing Bond in the next viable bond year. Orange County allocated remaining$2.5 million in 2016 Affordable Housing Bond Funds to affordable <br /> housing bond in the next housing development projects in 2020, leveraging the creation and preservation of 261 affordable housing units. <br /> viable bond year <br /> 2.5 Create a naturally Create a public-private fund to provide low cost financing for acquisition and rehabilitation of Naturally-Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) properties within Orange <br /> occurring affordable housing/ County. NOAH funds enable socially-minded developers acquire NOAH properties, make modest upgrades, remove them from the speculative housing market and <br /> manufactured housing preserve their affordability. Ideally,the fund would be flexible in nature, allowing for preservation of rental properties, mobile home and homeowner rehabilitation as <br /> preservation fund well as flexible funds for mobile home resident displacement, and affordable housing gap financing. <br /> 2.6 Public education and <br /> There is a need to expand public outreach and engagement around County programs and existing resources in place to support, retain, and maintain existing affordable <br /> outreach re County programs, housing stock.The Housing Helpline has connected thousands of Orange County residents to housing services and resources and the Housing Access Coordinator has <br /> continued engagement with increased landlord participation in Count programs. However there is not sufficient staff capacity for thorough community outreach and engagement. <br /> landlords and developers p p y p g p y g y <br /> 2 <br />