Orange County NC Website
rvorenar<r zz, zoaz <br />Joyce Pearson <br />Register of Deeds Office <br />PO sox 8181 <br />2gg 5. Cameron Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 2T2T8 <br />Dear Joyce, <br />I am pleased to submR [his proposal far prepadng technical motliftcatlon specifcatione to <br />in[ertace a new Oeetls software system whh your existing Universe system <br />Prepare[ion of the technlcal specmcetions involves three primary aetivities: <br />Task 1: Unlvene Mainfreme Imolementation Tes[In <br />Wonting with the Drenge County IT department, we must develop an agreement on the <br />implementation of the date trensmission and database updating of [he Universe system. <br />Preliminary conversations have been had wbh George end Kathy in IT and may ere <br />aware of the geneal approach that wre intend to take. Having wncern for system <br />performance, Geoge has requested 6iaf a working simulation be developed, to be run <br />under normal system load, for the purpose of assessing the performance impact of the <br />foal solution. This needs to fake place, and IT agreement reached, prior to developing <br />spec cations for the rest of the motlifcetion system. <br />Nme that this effort wlll form the backbone of the tmnsmisslonlupdate process of the <br />Univeme System h Lee Software Development is sslectetl as the vendor for Universe <br />System motlifcations. Tha effort spent during the technical specifcation stage will <br />reduce the effort required to pertann the actual technical work. <br />Delivered Result: Report of results and IT awsplance <br />Silling hours to wmplale: 40 <br />T k2T h' II I tE St t <br />Working with polentlal Deed software vendors, we must further develop the data <br />transmission end database update strategies far communications behveen the two <br />systems and an appropriate implementation strategy. <br />Delivered Result: Report of vendor discusslom and results <br />Billing hours to complete: 40 <br />