Orange County NC Website
Scope of Work (Rev. 06/11) <br /> PERFORMANCE MONITORING/QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN <br />All programs are monitored once per quarter and receive a desk review. On-site or virtual <br />monitoring will take place yearly with 20% of the caseload minimum receiving monitoring <br />visits. Monitoring visits are also completed when sub-recipients are having continued <br />concerns or receive a finding in the past year. <br /> REIMBURSEMENTS <br />Sub-recipients complete the reimbursement request, the ESG staff checks the <br />reimbursement for accuracy and that it includes all necessary back-up documentation. <br />Reimbursements are then submitted to the DAAS budget office for further review and lastly, <br />they are submitted to the Office of the Controller for request for payment from HUD. Sub- <br />recipients receive payments directly. <br />Contract Number 00041822 / Page 10 of 22 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 222DC9BE-6B82-4FBD-883D-4D642ACDA58E