Orange County NC Website
Organization City Carrboro <br />Organization State North Carolina <br />Organization Zip <br />Code <br />27510 <br />Organization website www.artscenteriv <br />Organization Tax ID 510198497 <br />Applicant <br />Race/Ethnicity <br />W hite, not Hispanic <br />Legal Status:501(c)3 or 501(c)6 Nonprofit Organization <br />IRS Determination Letter <br />Attachment_F_IRS_Tax_Exemption_Letter___The_ArtsCenter.pdf <br />Total operating <br />budget (current fiscal <br />year) <br />1618056 <br />Are 25% or more of <br />your annual <br />expenses related to <br />the visual, performing <br />or literary arts? <br />Yes <br />NARRATIVE n/a <br />W hat is the mission <br />of your organization? <br />The ArtsCenter exists in order to educate and inspire artistic <br />creativ ity and to enrich the liv es of people of all ages. The v ision of <br />The ArtsCenter is to create an educational env ironment that prov ides <br />opportunities, inspiration and tools to people of all ages and skill <br />lev els to participate in the arts. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7676AA4F-A842-45BE-ABD8-BCF64A11EEF8