Orange County NC Website
Please explain the <br />impact of your <br />organization on the <br />Orange County <br />community in a <br />typical year. <br />In a typical year, NC AIA would be teaching a 16-week residency using <br />dance and music to teach life skills to children for fourth grade <br />students at Rashkis Elementary School, a Title I school in Orange <br />County. The residency would have also included children with special <br />needs in a unique format. As part of the residency at Rashkis, <br />children with disabilities and a group of age-matched, non-disabled <br />peers dance in partnership, with the goals of maximizing participation <br />and challenging every dancer to achieve their best through <br />teamwork, creativity, empathy, and discovery. The culminating <br />performance would have been attended by the entire school during <br />the day and also by parents in the evening, comprising an audience <br />of about 650. Despite COVID, NC AIA and Rashkis Elementary will be <br />partnering again this year to implement the our residency virtually. <br />Implementing NC AIA in Title I schools is in direct response to a <br />community need. School administrators believe that the NC AIA <br />program enhances student learning. Rashkis Elementary’s program <br />assists Rashkis’ underserved population. Rashkis has 502 children <br />with these demographics: 29% are Asian; 11% are Hispanic; 14% are <br />Black; 42% are White; 0.52% are American Indian; and 3% are two or <br />more races, and 36% participate in the Free and Reduced Lunch <br />program. <br />NC AIA uses dance and music to define a standard of excellence <br />through active movement, intellectual stimulation and artistic <br />expression to build essential life skills children can carry into school <br />and throughout life. One teacher reported, “students who struggled <br />academically were able to 'shine' in NC AIA. This self-esteem that had <br />been lacking started to spread into their academics, and they no <br />longer gave up easily or considered themselves unable to do <br />assignments.” NC AIA’s in-school program provides four months of <br />weekly dance instruction to fourth grade students culminating in a <br />full-scale performance for the entire school and community. The <br />program’s distinctive features are using dance as a medium to teach <br />life skills; professional teaching artists trained in the NDI pedagogy <br />teach the children; and an accompanist plays live music in every <br />session! Arts in Action’s expertise is teaching children how to find <br />excellence in themselves and enhancing their learning experience in <br />the classroom. <br />COVID-19 IMPACT <br />DATA <br />This data is for the OCAC's informational purposes only and may or <br />may not be applicable to your organization depending on your <br />structure. <br />Number of Staff <br />Eliminated March 15 <br />- October 15 <br />0 <br />Number of Staff <br />Positions <br />Furloughed/Hours <br />Reduced March 15 - <br />October 15 <br />1 full-time staff member went to part-time in response to Covid-19. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2395B7CC-F189-4429-9779-F51C5289A027