Orange County NC Website
Provide a brief <br />description of your <br />pre-pandemic core <br />arts-related <br />programming or <br />offerings. <br />Since its inception in October of 2015, W HUP has offered an eclectic <br />mix of music, arts and public affairs programming with an emphasis <br />on local. About 95 percent of W HUP's air time is dedicated to music <br />and the arts; more than 800 musicians hav e performed liv e in the <br />W HUP studios, and an equal number of arts-related guests from the <br />community hav e appeared on v arious programs to talk about their <br />work in film, theater and the v isual arts. All our in-house liv e <br />recordings are av ailable in perpetuity as archiv es on the W HUP <br />website and hav e been heard by thousands of listeners from across <br />the country and beyond. Our music programs, which can also be <br />heard on demand for a minimum of two weeks as allowed by federal <br />copyright law, routinely feature local recorded music. W HUP also <br />promotes arts ev ents and activ ities throughout Orange County <br />during its broadcasts, in particular during the morning news show's <br />community calendar segment but also throughout the day. And we <br />hav e been a media sponsor of multiple area arts ev ents and/or <br />serv ed as fiscal agent for community groups needing a 501(c)3 <br />organization behind them. <br />North Carolina’s <br />“stay at home” order <br />(Executive Order <br />117) had a profound <br />impact on the arts <br />sector. Describe the <br />specific steps your <br />organization took to <br />comply with <br />Executive Order 117. <br />W HUP curtailed its liv e in-studio music sessions beginning in March, <br />first pausing them entirely and then limiting them to two musicians in <br />addition to the host in order to comply with social distancing <br />requirements. W e instituted a rigorous cleaning protocol including <br />daily sanitizing of all equipment and surfaces in the studio, and show <br />hosts broadcasting liv e must now allow a minimum of 10 minutes <br />between their departure and the arriv al of the next host, who is <br />required to sanitize the workstation again before going on the air. W e <br />also canceled sev eral public fundraising ev ents that could not be <br />produced and still comply with Executiv e Order 117. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 04B50F7F-A227-4C6A-B175-45775DBC36D2