pre-pandemic core
<br />arts-related
<br />programming or
<br />offerings.
<br />small-scale intimate shows, and public interv entions. Ev ery other
<br />year, W A presents an ev ening-length performance installation - in
<br />both 2016 and 2018, these were part of the Durham Independent
<br />Dance Artists seasons. W e take part in local music v ideos and hav e
<br />been consultants for ev ents in Chicago, IL, Raleigh and Durham, NC.
<br />Additionally, since January 2019, we hav e co-organized an arts salon,
<br />enabling professional artists of all mediums to come together to
<br />discuss area resources, their current and future work, concerns, and
<br />triumphs.
<br />Recently, we hav e presented in Triangle art and performance
<br />festiv als such as SEEK Raleigh, Moogfest, Hopscotch, and here in
<br />Orange County - Sav age W eekend and the Carrboro Music Fest. In
<br />2019, we took part in three Performance Is Aliv e festiv als in Austin,
<br />TX, Brooklyn, NY, and Miami, FL. W e hav e also performed across NC
<br />at the 21c Museum Hotel, All Day Records, Carrack Modern Art, Cat’s
<br />Cradle Back Room, The Cav e, Lump Projects, Market Plaza alley in
<br />downtown Raleigh, Monstercade, Neptune’s, Nightlight Bar & Club,
<br />REVOLVE, Ruby Deluxe, Scrap Exchange, The Shed, The Torus
<br />Building, and the VAE.
<br />Presenting our interactiv e work in traditional and non-traditional
<br />spaces - galleries, music v enues, store fronts, outdoor and public
<br />spaces - giv es us the chance to meet a v ariety of audiences. This
<br />includes those who purposefully come to the ev ents as well as
<br />unsuspecting passersby. All audience members hav e an integral role
<br />in our work, whether sitting in a dark theater-like space, weav ing their
<br />way through a field of performers, or talking with us about what they
<br />just experienced. Our audiences often influence, shape, and change
<br />what we’v e prepared - creating exciting new performance trajectories.
<br />W ild Actions and myself are committed to inv iting artists, colleagues,
<br />and the general public to be a part of in-process showings and post-
<br />performance critical feedback - attending an ev ent specifically to
<br />offer thoughts, questions, reflections, and lasting impressions.
<br />During these confusing and often paralyzing times, W ild Actions
<br />aims to strengthen connections between Triangle-based artists and
<br />the public by creating space for open dialogue and deep listening. As
<br />part of NC’s creativ e community, we believ e in v iv idly demonstrating
<br />the benefits of constructiv e discourse and collectiv e building. As
<br />always, we work towards building lasting relationships, continued
<br />collaborations, and more art in more places.
<br />W hen we talk about how audiences benefit from our programming, it
<br />is access to free and/or low cost art in all kinds of v enues and
<br />spaces, as well as the understanding, experience and use of
<br />personal agency. W hile participating and making in-the-moment
<br />decisions, anyone can hav e an opportunity to be curious, not only
<br />about their personal agency, but how it can hav e positiv e social and
<br />cultural implications and effects. Identifying social gaps and building
<br />interpersonal bridges are essential and can happen during art
<br />experiences. In these confusing times, we all must consciously
<br />choose what to add of ourselv es to such a disjointed and v iolent
<br />world.
<br />North Carolina’s Ov er the course of March 2020, the months following, and our
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