Orange County NC Website
RESOLUTION 02/03 <br />HY <br />Oswge County <br />WHEREAS, m Nmth Carolina the Lead Reganal Organiations, as volwtery <br />otganizntivvs setvwg mwicipal em cowry governmepts, have esmblished paoducdve working <br />relabmaahips with tM ndea and cvwsiea ecross Ne sate; end <br />WHEREAS, the Gevetal Assembly continm=d m recogniu Ilia pred Ihaough We <br />appmprie on of$93i,OW whelp WeLnad Re®ovnl Orgavtz nlocal govemmen6 vnN <br />grmtapplira mic tlevelopmm4 covrmuviry development etWmaopport tocal <br />mdustdel developmwl activities and other activities u deemed appaopsiate by [heir local <br />gn.emmenta; wa <br />WHEREAS, these twda an va[ivtmtled to h oud fmpaymev[ oFmembers' does or <br />menp to Intl Regiwal Otgavizatim m to mpplant fords appmpnated by the memMt <br />ga mvemmenm; mW <br />WHEREA3, in do ev nt that e aypwt H vot made by awit of govemmer~tfnr release of <br />these fltnds IO aw Repoval Cowcu, Meavvlable !nods will revers to the 9ram'e OewrelPwda: <br />and <br />WHEREAS, iv Aebiovlfwds mthe amowt of 5'iS,Opp vriu be used to vazry on[Ibo <br />mic devdnpmenz plan appmvetl by the Ttimgkl Bwud o[Delegaks ondespeciellytn <br />improve the econovn of Ibc cowdea and mwvs of the 14gion by strevgtheninq ties to, and <br />consequently, thebmefib of the Reastch 4iwgle ParkAaea. <br />NOW TFffiRPPORR BE ITRE5OLVED, that Omnge Counry requests the rekeec of iu <br />34,369.94ahara of Na=e Iwde m the Tdavgle ] Covpou of Govemmwts at the earlier possWle <br />ties in eccmdvnce whh the yovisiuvs of Secdov 20.11 of 3mace BiLL lUpS, the 2001 ratified <br />budgetbill. AdopRd Ois_day ofJ 2lgl et <br />by: <br />(sl~attae) SP.AL <br />CMefElected Official <br />Gigr~more) <br />Witncas <br />