Orange County NC Website
Piv oting to a v irtual model has taken time, dedication, and <br />determination—but it paid off: our test ev ents worked. W e’re ready to <br />launch, but we can’t do so without funding. W e’v e heard it from our <br />participants, and we know it ourselv es: people need the arts, and we <br />need this grant to help make that possible. W e are so close! <br />Please explain the <br />impact of your <br />organization on the <br />Orange County <br />community in a <br />typical year. <br />Community Chorus Project’s programs hav e impact in a number of <br />ways in our county. PopUp Chorus brings well ov er a thousand <br />people to our ev ents at The ArtsCenter where our av erage <br />attendance per ev ent is 175. (W e hav e had up to 325 singers.) Not all <br />attendees liv e in Orange County, but the majority do. <br />The program has receiv ed accolades from artists ranging from Dav id <br />Bowie to Duran Duran, with press cov erage in state, local, and <br />national media (see our media page that includes a USA Today piece: <br /> <br />PopUp Chorus’ location is a selling point for the county! Realtors <br />hav e mentioned it in their articles about cultural opportunities in the <br />area, and the Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau e-newsletter, <br />Orange Slices, dev oted an entire issue to this unique program. <br />Community Chorus Project is also an employer. In a typical year, we <br />employ a team of teaching artists and other staff for our three weeks <br />of summer programs at UNC, which includes: eight chorus/v oice <br />teachers, four accompanists, one choreographer, one filmmaker, a <br />studio engineer, and program assistants. Teaching artists are paid <br />an av erage of $32 per hour and the total contracted summer fees <br />payable to teachers for 2018 was $12,708. Sev eral of these <br />contractors work in both programs and are employed twice. <br />(Independent contractor agreements are av ailable for v erification of <br />these fees.) <br />In addition to the summer youth programs, PopUp Chorus employs a <br />conductor, a four-piece band, a filmmaker, and an audio engineer for <br />monthly ev ents. Fees to this team v ary depending on if it is a priv ate <br />hire or public ev ent but av erage a total of $775 per occasion. W e <br />additionally employ a Chapel Hill-based graphic designer to do all of <br />our ev ent art, as well as an accountant for bookkeeping and tax <br />filings. <br />The heart of our impact, howev er, is with the people we serv e. In an <br />av erage summer (2018), we worked with 51 middle school students <br />(of whom 11 receiv ed full or partial scholarships) and 36 high school <br />singers (of whom 12 receiv ed full or partial scholarships). <br />W e know from feedback how much these programs mean to our <br />young students. They are seen and accepted for who they are, and <br />where they are musically. Admission is by audition for older students, <br />but younger students take part regardless of v ocal dev elopment. W e <br />are capped only by numbers and don’t turn young people away. <br />Students experience building confidence, knowledge, and v ocal skills <br />with like-minded peers, all of whom lov e the performing arts as much <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7736305B-2D6A-4CB4-A76E-69F4B076DA90