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programming or <br />offerings. <br />offers innov ativ e and inclusiv e music programming without parallel <br />in our area. <br />Programs are held in the Department of Music facilities at UNC- <br />Chapel Hill, so students are able to work and learn in professional <br />music spaces for which we pay a facility rental fee. Our affiliation with <br />the v oice faculty in the Department of Music has helped guide our <br />choice of teaching staff, as well as tap their expertise to shape <br />curricula. <br />For the past nine years, we hav e offered two immersiv e summer <br />programs at UNC: a two-week musical theater workshop with a focus <br />on v oice for students in grades 6-9, and a one-week recording <br />workshop that giv es students in grades 9-12 an opportunity to record <br />in a professional studio, perform at the Cat’s Cradle, learn to arrange <br />music, and so much more. <br />W hen CCP was founded, we pledged we would nev er turn a student <br />away who was unable to pay full or partial tuition, and in nine years of <br />programming, we nev er hav e. This is a cornerstone of our work and <br />we’re committed to including children who are often excluded due to <br />financial barriers. On av erage, between a fifth to a quarter of our <br />students attend on full or partial scholarship, and through intentional <br />outreach, we seek to achiev e racial div ersity. <br />The summer programs employ a regular team of univ ersity-based <br />v oice teachers, community-based chorus teachers, musicians, <br />studio engineers, filmmakers, choreographers, and administrativ e <br />assistants. <br />This v ersion of “A Change Is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke is an <br />example of our work with high school musicians. <br /> dQ <br />In addition to youth programming, CCP also runs PopUp Chorus, <br />which has been holding ev ents since 2014 in area v enues including <br />The ArtsCenter and Cat’s Cradle. This program is informal, relaxed <br />and fun, and attended mostly by adults. W e welcome ev eryone to <br />sing together, regardless of ability or experience. Music builds <br />community cohesion, and we use its power to the fullest extent with <br />this program. <br />At each PopUp Chorus ev ent, singers learn a song taught by our <br />conductor, Dr. Allan Friedman, and are accompanied by a full band <br />on stage. W e rehearse easy harmonies, and then make a v ideo with <br />participants, recording their v oices and filming them. Our motto is <br />“embracing imperfection,” and we mean it! Ev eryone is welcome to <br />participate, connect, and build community at PopUp Chorus. W e <br />hav e a loyal local following but also get people from out of state, <br />ev en ov erseas, to attend our ev ents. <br />In addition to our monthly public ev ents, we also lead priv ate ev ents. <br />W e hav e been twice hired by North Carolina Museum of Art, as well <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7736305B-2D6A-4CB4-A76E-69F4B076DA90