Orange County NC Website
<br />4011 university drive, suite 300, durham, nc 27707  post office box 51579, durham, nc 27717-1579 <br /> TELEPHONE 919 490 0500 FAX 919 490 0873  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Engagement Memorandum <br /> <br />To: John Roberts <br /> Orange County Attorney <br /> <br />From: Brian M. Ferrell, Attorney, Kennon Craver, PLLC <br /> <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br /> <br /> Thank you for considering retaining Kennon Craver, PLLC on behalf of Orange County, <br />North Carolina to assist with the review of a performance agreement and lease related to a pending <br />economic development opportunity. <br /> <br /> This memorandum summarizes the basis on which our firm will provide legal services to <br />the County and how we will be paid for our services. I will be primarily responsible for the matter, <br />and I may use other attorneys and legal assistants in the best exercise of my professional judgment. <br />If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or criticisms, please contact me at once. <br /> <br /> We consider many factors in billing for services rendered, and I will review all statements <br />before they are issued to ensure that the amount charged is appropriate. The principal factor is <br />usually our schedule of hourly rates; most statements are simply the product of the hours worked <br />multiplied by the hourly rates for the attorneys and legal assistants who did the work. <br /> <br /> Our schedule of hourly rates for attorneys and other members of the professional staff are <br />based on years of experience, specialization in training and practice, and level of professional <br />attainment. My hourly rate for 2020 is $315. However, I will perform services for the County at <br />a discounted rate of $250 per hour for this engagement. We will manage this matter as cost <br />efficiently as possible. To the extent that other paralegals and attorneys are involved, their rates <br />vary from $125 to $400 an hour. We reserve the right to make adjustments to our rates for <br />subsequent years. In addition, we will bill and require payment for out-of-pocket expenses such <br />as photocopies, courier expenses, travel, filing fees, and the like. Any extraordinary expenses, <br />such as third-party printing costs, will be billed directly to you. Our fees for this engagement will <br />not exceed $2,000.00. <br /> <br /> Our billing statements are prepared and mailed during the month following the month in <br />which services are rendered and costs advanced. Payment within 30 days of invoice is required. <br />If there is a closing, we reserve the right to collect remaining fees and expenses owed at closing. <br />We will both have the right to terminate our representation at any time. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E50B0644-5FB9-43CB-B68D-384428A8A9D5