Orange County NC Website
Mr.Km ChavOUS, FWavee Ulmeme <br />gauge Cwu~y <br />PanrOPlw Pox BIBI <br />IlJlsbomugh, 5onh fueotrm]y2"/e <br />WcmjbYCd tlw op nwiry to meet wiNyou ava the oWermmntm o[Ibe Cowry's 6ASH341mplemmmtiav lwm <br />m aiacuaa Nc wtivnplan tint wos identi(ed in nw're ently enmple¢d GASF3 34 smma assessment Dated on Ws <br />meeting endow suisegvwl tliscuseiona, du cuomy Ms requested ow assislmce w dse following or av. <br />participating mlbe Cowry's sottware vendor selecnonproceee <br />• eoalyzmg FVUd 61 <br />• nalyzinE progmmand gwersl zevmuo <br />• nanlideting mdlvidusl dapmlmevt spmadshwss fm autmmation egvipmen5 orllw egwpmmt and other <br />vquipmm <br />• developmEadamil a[Imd named using availaFle deed pfvons <br />• developmgamelhadoloEy fm allocating hismneel coAfm buildiugsfin wchpropcrLy <br />• wmblishipg the dales each pixe ofreal esm&waz Plazed in scrviu: <br />• onsavctiag missing dnmfram yow cunmt capiml asset recoNs <br />• doaxmhingtha eanmeadusePol lives Rr eaoh oeregory ofwpilal assala <br />• omputing azcumWakd deprxianw as of lone 3U, 2001 <br />• msppwg Go Fend <br />• ompuling begimting oftM1e year wnvw'sim adjnsvnrnts <br />• compudng thewrtevt YearrefuvdmE COn wadjustmeas <br />• computing begwdng nRFeywrne[assetaera <br />• dmlWtg begumiag ofthe year ~Oke tv tlrc geneal purpoao Gtuncialsmtemenm <br />preparing pro-fum~a Govemmwt Wide Finenciel5latemmm as ofJUU J0.21p1 <br />• preparing aprelimmary Management's Discussion &Anelysis using lone 3U, 2001 dab <br />the following proposM process wtlines um uvexall apgmch as well ap deunbing [he iMividuel elemenh entl <br />ou¢omes ofeucbP leer, Wevxpectro wnducr many of then ProJectsmpatallcl ¢ac'ka. <br />Svrtware reactor seleetlav proeer's <br />we will,cmammd~a as aexmwed by me aeiwdm wmminee. we wiP aainm me mtan;ewprrccsa <br />of eazh vendor m~dasaiet the (:aunty in delertniumE tharfhe sotrvmtevrndor selected u GASB 34 wmplimt. <br />Mvlysis o[FLna fit (County Capital Prolecb FuvdJ <br />We will nerst the couvrym apalyzinE the venous projects end activity shat is currently beinEtworded in fund 61. <br />the primaryobjmtive aCOtis analysis will b: b usisl Ne cowry in elosinE doom [hie Rsd and relttelw6 exialin6 <br />pzojecm, mmuq expe~wee end balmce shell accowrs to orbs [wds. <br />