2020-783-E Arts Commission-Rebecca Drake arts support relief grant
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2020-783-E Arts Commission-Rebecca Drake arts support relief grant
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8/31/2021 11:01:51 AM
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8/31/2021 11:01:32 AM
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Have you <br />experienced a <br />decrease in TOTAL <br />HOUSEHOLD <br />income of 30% or <br />more? <br />Yes <br />Please explain how <br />your general <br />livelihood has been <br />impacted by COVID- <br />19. <br />Ev ery studio that I was teaching yoga, and aerial yoga at has <br />permanently closed. I hav e gone from teaching 15 classes a week to <br />4 online. I used to work priv ately with clients, this has dried up (not <br />only due to safety) but also due to hav ing no space from where to <br />work, or anyway to afford rent. <br />Teaching Aerial Yoga and Aerial Yoga Teacher Trainings was a large <br />part of my income. I hav e lost all of that. I hav e no space, no <br />equipment, and no money to inv est in a rig/equipment to try and offer <br />something v irtually. <br />I am struggling to teach yoga online but I hav e v ery outdated <br />equipment (like a 2009 computer) and no extra money to improv e <br />this situation. <br />All of my dance performances hav e been cancelled. There seems to <br />be no end in sight for being able to work as a mov ement artist in a <br />way that can help support my family. <br />Have you applied for <br />unemployment <br />benefits? <br />No <br />Please explain your <br />decision to not apply <br />for benefits: <br />I applied in the past but kept hitting road blocks (technical and <br />otherwise) that I gav e up on it. I thought it would be more useful to <br />hustle and try to figure out ways to bring in some money immediately. <br />Grant amount <br />requested: <br />600.00 <br />How do you intend to <br />use the grant, if <br />awarded? <br />I intend to use it to pay off my late Duke Power and Spectrum bills. <br />The rest will go towards health insurance. <br />How else may we <br />help you right now? <br />My husband and I are both artists. He is a musician and I am a <br />mov ement artist. In a lot of ways we feel like we hav e lost the careers <br />we spent our liv es creating due to Cov id. It is v ery hard, so this grant <br />for those of us who hav e liv ed our liv es in Chapel Hill is v ery uplifting. <br />It is nice to feel like someone still cares about the arts and the artists <br />who liv e here and create the thriv ing community we hav e all enjoyed. <br />Thank you so much for helping! <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BFAC1F1-269C-417C-B820-24A13703FA44
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