Orange County NC Website
Have you <br />experienced a <br />decrease in TOTAL <br />HOUSEHOLD <br />income of 30% or <br />more? <br />Yes <br />Please explain how <br />your general <br />livelihood has been <br />impacted by COVID- <br />19. <br />My partner and I tour and play music for a liv ing, and we hav e an 8- <br />year-old son. W ithin weeks, the pandemic wiped out the entire <br />income of both earners in our household. W e had ov er 50 <br />performances and tours scheduled for 2020 in sev eral and lost a <br />minimum of $80,000 in concert cancellations. W e hav e no idea if we <br />will be able to make any money touring in 2021 and are currently <br />unable to book for next year's touring cycles due to uncertainty <br />induced by the pandemic. W e are staying home <br />Prior to COVID-19, I was also teaching part-time at Kidznotes. Due to <br />COVID they hav e furloughed sev eral teachers, including me. <br />Around this time of year, we would be solidifying our touring <br />schedule for 2021 and wrapping up a busy schedule of fall and <br />summer tours. This would allow us to begin resting up for recording <br />and conferences in January/February, touring in early spring, and an <br />album release around the end of the school year, followed by more <br />touring throughout the summer. Needless to say, that will not be <br />happening. Last year we inv ested in creating merchandise, recording <br />an album, and attending industry conferences, and we hav e not been <br />able to recoup any of those losses this year because we hav e not <br />been touring. Our entire industry is in turmoil and we do not know if <br />or when we will be able to resume touring. W e are receiv ing a v ery <br />small unemployment benefit of roughly $100/week and looking for <br />any av ailable work to stay afloat. <br />Have you applied for <br />unemployment <br />benefits? <br />Yes <br />Have you been <br />approved for <br />benefits? <br />Yes, I was approv ed <br />Grant amount <br />requested: <br />1200 <br />How do you intend to <br />use the grant, if <br />awarded? <br />W e will use the grant money to pay for groceries and rent, and if <br />possible, to allow us to continue dev oting some time to creating and <br />recording (at home) music. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A26FD8B8-4754-4340-A500-9171B6ADFE0D