Orange County NC Website
- 1 - <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />BETWEEN <br />ORANGE COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL <br /> <br /> <br />Funding for Joint Economic Development Programs <br />Article 46 Collaborative Outreach <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina law authorizes counties to enter into agreements with third parties to <br />provide services under mutually agreed upon terms and conditions; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill (“Town“) wishes to provide services or engage in <br />economic development activities as designated herein, and Orange County (“County”) and its <br />residents and businesses would benefit from those services or activities. <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE, the County and Town agree, through this Memorandum of Understanding <br />(“MOU”), to the following terms and conditions: <br /> <br />1. County authorizes the Town to request Collaborative Outreach funding from Article 46 for <br />fiscal year 2020-2021 up to the amount of Thirty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Sixteen <br />Dollars and Two Cents ($39,816.02). The services or activities that qualify under this <br />funding category shall consist of and be limited to economic development programs that aid <br />in job creation, drive economic growth, support existing businesses, recruit new businesses, <br />and in the promotion of other activities such as innovation and entrepreneurial growth, agri- <br />tourism and agriculture in Orange County. No other services or activities are authorized by <br />this MOU. The funding amount will be calculated annually based on a formula that adds the <br />total population of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough and the portion of Mebane located <br />within Orange County, and allocates each towns’ percentage of the total population to the <br />total amount of Collaborative Outreach funding budgeted in a given year ($60,000.00 for FY <br />2020-21). Collaborative Outreach funds that are not requested by the Town within the given <br />fiscal year will automatically roll over to the next year and be available for the Town to <br />request at a later date. <br /> <br />2. The Town shall make a request to the County, in writing, to access these funds. The request <br />shall include details pertaining to the amount of funding sought, a description of the services <br />or activities the funding would support, the expected outcomes, any additional partners in the <br />services or activities, and what resources the Town is providing to the services or activities. <br />The Town shall also express any additional role they expect the County to play as it relates to <br />the identified services or activities, and to acknowledge use of the Collaborative Outreach <br />funding as a joint partnership between the Town and the County. <br /> <br />3. That by entering into this MOU, the County assumes no liability for, and the Town fully <br />releases County from liability for damages to its property or injury to its employees, agents, <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 321F741D-B28A-4B79-9F6D-61CA7CB2C2FF