Orange County NC Website
Updated 8112105 <br />10) If a Cotntywide supplemental tax were implemented and the existing CHCCS <br />district tax "zeroed out", at what rate would the Countywide tax need to be set to <br />generate the same per pupil proceeds for both OCS and CHCCS that CHCCS <br />now receives from its own district tax? <br />Attachments 5a through 5c of this agenda package offer three scenarios <br />for implementing a Countywide supplemental districf tax and "zeroing out" <br />the CHCCS district tax. The scenarios in this package include ones that <br />would phase out the CHCCS district tax over a ?0, 5 and 3 year period. <br />B) Property Tax Base and Assessed Valuation <br />1 1) What is the total value of the Countywide property tax base? <br />For the current 2005-06 fiscal year, the budgeted assessed valuation <br />(including real property, registered motor vehicles, utilities, personal <br />property and Homestead exemptions) totals $11,971,739,397. The <br />projected assessed valuation for fiscal year 2006-07 totals $12.3 million. <br />Attachment 3a of this agenda item offers aten-year projection of the <br />County's assessed valuation. <br />12) What is the total value of the property tax base in the OCS district? <br />For fiscal year 2005-06, the budgeted assessed valuation for the property <br />located outside of the CHCCS District Tax boundary (including real <br />property, registered motor vehicles, utilities, personal property and <br />Homestead exemptions) totals $4,197,322,906. The projected assessed <br />valuation for fiscal year 2006-07 totals $4,323,242,593. Attachment 3a of <br />this agenda item offers aten-year projection of the County and each <br />District's assessed valuation. <br />13) What is the total value of the property tax base in the CHCCS district? <br />For fiscal year 2005-06, the budgeted assessed valuation for the property <br />located within the CHCCS District Tax boundary (including real property, <br />registered motor vehicles, utilities, personal property and Homestead <br />exemptions) Totals $7,774,416,491. The projected assessed valuation for <br />fiscal year 2006-07 totals $8,007,648,986. Attachment 3a of this agenda <br />item offers aten-year projection of the County and each District's assessed <br />valuation. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />