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Updated 8!12/05 <br />Attachment 1. Questions and Answers Regarding <br />Possible Orange County Schoals or Countywide Supplemental School Tax <br />For August 16, 2005 Board of County Commissioners Meeting <br />A) Funding <br />1) How much money would each penny on an OCS district tax generate? <br />It is projected that one cent on an OCS district tax would generate $427,136 <br />for fiscal year 2006-07. Attachment 4 of this agenda abstract, "Projected <br />Amount of Money Generated by Hypothetical Orange County Schools <br />Special District Tax" offers afen-year projection of how much money <br />would be anticipated from an OCS district tax. <br />2) Haw much money would each penny on a Countywide supplemental tax <br />generate? <br />It is projected that one cent on a Countywide supplemental tax would <br />generate about $1,218,300 for fiscal year 2006-07. Attachment 3b of this <br />agenda abstract "Projected Amount of Money Generated by a Hypothetical <br />Countywide Supplemental District Tax" offers afen-year projection of how <br />much money would be anticipated from a Countywide supplemental district <br />tax. <br />3) Based on the fiscal year 2Q05-06 budget, how much money is expected from each <br />penny on the current CHCCS district tax produce? <br />It is projected that one cent on the CHCCS district tax will produce <br />$761,893 for the current 2005-06 fiscal year. For fiscal year 2006-07, one <br />cent is projected to generate $791,156. Attachment 3b of this agenda <br />abstract "Prajected Amount of Money Generated by a Hypothetical <br />Countywide Supplemental District Tax" offers aten-year projection of how <br />much money would be anticipated from the CHCCS supplemental district <br />tax. <br />4) How would funding produced by a countywide supplemental district tax be <br />allocated between the two school systems? <br />Funding produced vy a Countywide supplemental district tax would be <br />allocated to each district based on a per pupil basis, <br />5) Based on estimated student populations, how much funding would be generated <br />for OCS and for CHCCS from each penny on a Countywide supplemental tax? <br />For fiscal year 2006-07, it is estimated that each penny on a Countywide <br />supplemental district tax would produce $472,026 for OCS and $746,267 for <br />Page T of 6 <br />