Orange County NC Website
OFFICIAL. BALLOT <br />SPECIAL REFERENDt1M <br />ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER <br />a. To vote FOR the tax, complete the arrow pointing to the word "FOR." <br />To vote AGAINST the tax, complete the arrow pointing to the word "AGAINST." <br />c. If you tear, deface or wrongly marls this ballot, return it and get another.. <br />A local tax to be levied and collected on all of the taxable property within Orange County at a <br />rate not to exceed [maximum =sixty cents (5.60)] per One Hundred Dollars ($100) ofproperty <br />valuation to be used to supplement the fiords from State and county allotments to the Orange <br />County School Administrative Unit and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Administrative Unit <br />and thereby to operate schools of a higher standard. <br />FOR F <br />AGAINST <- <br />]sg: F:\Lisa\orangecounty\OFFICIAL, BALLOT oc.doc <br />