Orange County NC Website
~~-~ <br />LAW OFFICES <br />COLEMAN, GLEDHIL.L, HARGRAVE &. PEEK <br />A PROFESSIONAL CORPOIU1ilON <br />129E TRl'ON STREET <br />i' O URAWGR 1587 <br />IiiL LSBOliOUGhi.NOBTH CAROLINA .7?78 <br />919-772-21)6 <br />FA\ 9N).d 72.7997 <br />wwm cgxndh a>m <br />August 11, X005 <br />Moses Carey, Jr „ Chair <br />Valerie P, Foushee <br />Alice M, Gordon <br />Stephen Halkiotis <br />Barry Jacobs <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Post Office Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27?78 <br />PS: School Supplemental Ta:c <br />fear Board members: <br />FROM l'I1E UGSf; OF <br />GEOFFREY G OLE•UHILL <br />C-MAIf,: u,~nlGey¢InILiIICq~al;nnJL.ann <br />Enclo:>ed are two sample ballots for your consideration as <br />the Board considers whei:her or not to call for an election on a <br />supplemental school tax, either within the Orange County <br />administrative- unit or coimtv~~7i,de. The exact form of the ballot <br />will not be known until it is approved by the State Board of <br />Elections. However, in substarxce, the ballot wi,11 7.ook like <br />either of. the enclosed. The ballots, as drafted, would give the <br />Boards of Education maximum fleaibilit.j in using the tai: <br />proceeds. <br />It is and has been my recommendation that if the Board <br />chooses to call an election on a supplemental school tar, that it <br />choose between these two balloted initiatives to avoid confusion <br />among the voters that voting on both would likely cause. It is <br />legally possible to place both of these initiatives on the <br />ballot since each would be voted on by a discreet group of <br />voters, In the case of a countywide supplemental tax, all Orange <br />County registered voters would be eligible to vote, In the case <br />of an Orange County district supplemental tax, only Orange <br />County school district/administrative unit registered voters <br />would be eligible to vote, However, I think there is a real <br />