Orange County NC Website
How many years <br />have you been in <br />operation? <br />17 <br />W ho do you serve?Daylight is a non-profit organization focused on publishing art and <br />photography both in print and online. For ov er 17 years we hav e <br />helped to support the work of artists from North Carolina and beyond <br />by publishing them in our magazine, books, multimedia and digital <br />features. In addition we lead workshops for emerging artists focused <br />on how they can best prepare their projects for publication. From <br />2012-2018 we ran the Daylight Project Space in Hillsborough, NC but <br />hav e temporarily discontinued our exhibition program. <br />Daylight’s digital and multimedia programs allow free access to the <br />general public to curated v ideos, slideshows and galleries. These <br />long-form digital and multimedia features not only display an array of <br />photographs from each artist, but also create a space for the artist to <br />share the story and meaning behind their image collections, creating <br />a clear and coherent narrativ e context that accompany the <br />photographs. <br />Daylight’s long-form digital features showcase artists with a <br />sequence of rich media assets that together create an immersiv e <br />v iewing experience. These features can focus on particular bodies of <br />work by artists or serv e as teasers to printed publication thereby <br />increasing the potential audience exponentially. Most recently <br />Daylight has launched a new series of interv iews, titled Daylight <br />Dialogues, as a component of its Digital programming; these <br />interv iews are conducted with artists, editors, curators and industry <br />creativ es, and focus on the ways photography and art impact our <br />culture. <br />Daylight’s multimedia program produces freely accessible v ideo <br />podcasts ev ery month, which showcase the work of artists through a <br />combination of v ideo, audio, photographic, and textual elements. <br />These v ideos specifically feature contemporary v isual artists, who <br />explore local and global stories of social, cultural, political and <br />env ironmental relev ance. These creations most often include <br />narration by the featured artist, giv ing audiences insight into the <br />experiences and creativ e intentions of each artist. <br />Describe the impact <br />of COVID-19 on your <br />organization including <br />financial loss and <br />staff/operating <br />changes: <br />It is hard to ov erstate the impact of this pandemic on our <br />organization. Retail sales for books hav e all but stopped, marketing <br />ev ents (ie. book signings) are no longer possible, our staff has felt a <br />serious financial pinch from being layed off by some of their other <br />jobs. In the meantime our costs remain as they were with rent, <br />storage, distribution, utilities and digital hosting costs accruing all of <br />the time. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C0B11035-21E8-42EF-815F-02E4E4E88A68