Orange County NC Website
How many years <br />have you been in <br />operation? <br />3 <br />W ho do you serve?Although our primary audience is from Orange County, we attract <br />local v isitors from Durham, Chatham, W ake, Alamance, and Guilford <br />Counties, as well as tourists to the area. <br />Describe the impact <br />of COVID-19 on your <br />organization including <br />financial loss and <br />staff/operating <br />changes: <br />Upon closing our doors on March 17, we retained the two full time <br />employees: executiv e director (fundraising, membership, artistic <br />ov ersight, donor and community relations, bill paying,) and the <br />operations manager (projection and equipment maintenance, <br />facilities maintenance,). All part-time employees responsible for <br />ticketing, concessions and projection were laid off (3.5FTE) with the <br />exception of the website manager, who works minimal hours, and our <br />contract programmer, for v irtual film programming. <br />W e immediately began a dialogue with colleagues across the country <br />to offer v irtual films. Although producing limited rev enue, they <br />maintain engagement with Chelsea audiences and we are now on the <br />v erge of joining with nine other art-house theaters to launch a <br />dedicated streaming system (info to be announced in August). <br />W e also immediately initiated an operating fund campaign to support <br />payroll, rent, insurance, utilities and other required expenses. W e <br />were able to secure rent reduction/deferment through July, but that <br />will cease and full rent will require payment in August; back rent will <br />need to be repaid on a schedule. <br />2020 membership support is $24,000, howev er that is $16,000 lower <br />than a year ago at this time. General donations of approximately <br />20,000 hav e also helped keep us afloat since March. <br />As a result of being closed, total operating rev enue for 2020 year to <br />date is less than half of what it was in 2019, whereas expenses other <br />than those related to film costs and concessions hav e not <br />diminished greatly. <br />In May, with the dawning realization that Cov id would drastically alter <br />the way audiences perceiv ed the theater, the board approv ed a <br />renov ation plan and accompanying fundraising campaign. No longer <br />would antiquated and cramped cloth seats and shabby restrooms <br />liv e up to new standards in a post-Cov id world. As part of the <br />campaign, we are adding new features that will allow for better energy <br />efficiencies and expanded usage of the theaters for lectures and <br />classes. In addition to financial support, we hav e significant donors <br />of time, supplies and serv ices. Funds arriv e daily and are being <br />activ ely solicited. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 6B24B922-084A-4E8B-BB72-4736AAAC1D46